Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made a confession about her rumored pregnancy that pushed Democrats to their wits end

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a master when it comes to generating attention for herself. But this time she outdid herself.  And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made a confession about her rumored pregnancy that pushed Democrats to their wits [...]


  1. This woman is a disgrace to America. The idiot voters are to blame. This woman is dumber than a dead fish. Please stop talking about this train wreck. She useless to America. The democrats know it. Thanks to Nancy Pelosi who could of thrown her out office but didn’t the American people have to listen to dumbest uneducated fool who sits in Congress.

  2. She will try to but fail in the primarys. She is a pathological liar and has caused so much discontent with the wokeness nonsince. I am surprised that the NYC voters even tollerate such nonsince. Its costing them an arm and a leg.

  3. If she considers it, it would be another airhead who doesn’t know anything about really running a country AKA Harris. These are stupid women who the Democraps throw their weight behind instead of getting a woman who is smart and can make decisions. But I think the Republicans have all those women. There aren’t any in the Democraps party.

  4. The Democrats own this misguided child causing the democratic party deeper in resolution from a pathological liar. Better fitting as clueless and inept.

  5. The Democrats own this misguided child causing the democratic party deeper in resolution from a pathological liar. Better fitting as clueless and inept.

  6. Yea fk that dumb ass btch, if she thinks she is presidential candidate she is totally crazy, I don’t understand the people in her district voted for her again they are all bullshited by this ignorant btch, she talks to them in Spanish how she will take care of the people, and what has she dn for them not a fkng thing she got her ass in there by sucking off Sorrors. She’s has no intelligence what so ever, she was a fkng bar tender I’m not saying all bar tenders are dumb I was one back in my days, she doesn’t give a shit about the people only herself. I think she should be removed from her seat, shes a waste of space and money and causes termol her and her squad they all should be removed. So hang it up btch maybe you should go back to school or back to where you came from.

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