Hillary Clinton just said the quiet part out loud with this attack on free speech

The one thing every authoritarian regime is terrified of is losing control of information and the narrative. Communists always seize control of radio and TV stations when they take over. And now Hillary Clinton just [...]


  1. Hillary Clinton is a has-been! Who cares what she thinks? I know I don’t and there are many, many others, I believe, who feel the way I feel……………….

    • Hillary Clinton thinks? When did she start doing that; in the middle of my latest nap? She sure hasn’t been doing so over the last times I’ve ever heard her whine . . . uh, talk.

    • Hillary belongs in prison! She is no better than we are. If you do the crime you should do the time. She is a scumbag! I have always thought she was a disgusting pig!

  2. democrats are destroying America and our Constitution and Bill of Rights, so any vote for any democrat is a vote to destroy America for china and iran and russia and all the illegal criminal border insurgents. period!

  3. With all of crimes Hillary committed by getting rid of all her e-mails, etc., Nobody should even listen to her.

  4. the elites want to be in charge at all costs. and the clintons and pelosies steal monies from the taxpayers

  5. WHY is this any kind of surprise to anyone? The Democrat/Communist Party has been working night and day to control Free Speech and make sure only THEIR message gets through. They’ve been doing it since the late 1950s and it’d nearly a done deal!

    MILLIONS of us have been trying to tell the country that for a lo-o-o-ong time now! MILLIONS of us have been trying to tell the country that the COMMUNISTS are taking over the country!! What did we get in return? Ever hear this? “IT CAN’T HAPPEN HERE”.

    Really? The DemoCommies are so certain they rule the country now that Comrade Hillary feels comfortable openly saying the want to CONTROL FREE SPEECH.


    No, I didn’t think so!

  6. I’m surprised anyone would bother to listen to Hillary. Sadly even as a senior citizen she still doesn’t understand the reality of being a human being. Free speech was given to us all by our Creator. The other thing is I think she doesn’t even know that Creator. Pray for her.

  7. Hillary is a hateful bitch who is mad about no one buying her piece of shit book. But she does spout off what the Democraps are trying to do when she gets mad. You would think that they would try to shut her up but they just let her go because she knows where all the bodies are buried. I will be glad when these evil people are gone for good but the problem is that they spawned evil offspring.

  8. Hillary Clinton is a lying corrupt washed up nobody she still can’t get over losing to Donald Trump in 2016 she’s the one who started the Russia hoax and don’t forget her destroying thousands of emails on her private server that was not secured while she was Secretary of State and also don’t forget she is the one who sold Russia 25% of our uranium so who was in the pockets of Russia and by her being a corrupt Democrat she got away with it thanks to the FBI and the DOJ. I think her and Billy boy is from Arkansas I think they need to go back and go out on the desert somewhere out there and crawl under a rock and live with other snakes I don’t know maybe even snakes are smart enough to know they don’t want them in their territory. Too bad Russia won’t take the Clinton’s in but Putin will never do that cuz he got what he wanted from Clinton so she cannot serve him the way he wants to be served with information about America politics and secrets. I think that there are a lot of Democrats politicians who needs to be arrested and charged for committing treason against America like Clinton for selling Russia 25% of our uranium and how about Joe Biden for being in bed with China and for taking bribs from foreign countries for selling our secrets his words not mine and how about Chuck Schumer for threatening the justices of Supreme Court and why not Nancy Pelosi and the head of the FBI for planning and organizing January 6th to frame Donald Trump and his supporters but they had blood on their hands because one person died that day not five one and she was shot and killed by a capital police and wa don’t forget about the DOJ who was weaponized against Donald Trump and conservatives and also don’t forget about the Department of Homeland Security and Harris about the crisis at the southern border but no country would want them after they are out of office because they are no a benefit to foreign countries governments

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