Tim Tebow reminded Christians of one important truth with this amazing football analogy

Democrats are waging an all-out culture war across America. Many conservatives are starting to feel like they’re fighting a losing battle. But Tim Tebow reminded Christians of one important truth with this amazing football analogy. [...]


  1. This is a war that should never have happened. Polotics and Corruption surrounded this country and the Biden Democratic government in the USA. It is still going on between the Biden administration and Ukraine. Billions of tax payer money is being squandered in this war. Unnecessary lives of Ukrainians are being sacrificed by idiots in Ukraine’s government and the Biden Administration. This corruption was apparent in Ukraine from the beginning and Russia knew it. Gain of Function Labs illigally making deadly virus on Russia’s border. Russia had a duty to its’ citizens to protect them. Don’t get me started on this GREAT BIG MISTAKE by the Biden Administration! Idiots, all of them. WWIII coming!

    • This was no mistake, it was done intentionally, just like letting in illegals and keeping our border open, the dems have violated every law set forth in The Constitution and this was all done on purpose!

    • Yes, Trump ended all wars/mass murdering worldwide! There should be NO WARS/mass murdering, human suffering! Cowards Jokementia/KamalToe/Tampon have 3 new unneeded wars going on that they’re supporting with $Trillions of our tax dollars!
      All 3 wars are basically over slight religion differences… Roman Catholic Europe/Ukraine vs Orthodox Catholic Russia/Serbia… Middle East is Jews vs Muslims… Africa is Muslims vs Christians….

  2. Well to me its like the same thing people have a problem with illegals coming into the U.S. but they think russia should just be let into ukrane and embrace the takeover because of some lab that is producing what?Get rid of the lab and now there is all this monday morning second guessing with all the death and distruction having taken place.Russia should have lost allready but because of biden it stil drags on!!

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