A former Clinton advisor praised Donald Trump for one reason no one saw coming

Donald Trump is accustomed to Democrats and their media allies’ constant barrage of attacks. But one move on the campaign trail earned him surprising kudos.  And a former Clinton advisor praised Donald Trump for one [...]


  1. This thing with Kamala Harris is so third world country Marxism. Democrats pushed out the president and with out a SINGLE VOTE FROM THEIR BASE ANNONITTED HARRIS, WHO COULDNT WIN ONE PRIMARY WHEN SHE RAN FOR PREDIDENT 4 YEARS AGO.

  2. When they claim Harris is black I just about choke. Since when? When she was claimed as such for the biden campaign. IS she even an American? Did she take the oath and go through the Naturalization process? She won’t say. By birth, she is a Jamaican National. Her Mother is listed on her birth certificate as a caucasian Indian and her Father is Jamaican with a Celtic background. How does THAT make her black? Personally, I don’t believe the woman is qualified on ANY grounds to run for President. I don’t believe she was qualified for VP. But then, the liberals have so twisted the actual intent behind the 14th amendment, they allow people to come in as tourists and have children which they claim are US Citizens. Harris’ parents were here on student visas, NOT as permanent residents and after their divorce, her Mother took them to live in Canada.

    • according to GOOGLE search …. What do you call a person who is black and white?
      We must also pay attention to the term’s “mulatto” and “colored.” The term “mulatto” was originally used to mean the offspring of a “pure African Negro” and a “pure white.” Although the root meaning of mulatto, in Spanish, is “hybrid,” “mulatto” came to include the children of unions between whites and so-called “mixed ..
      With that said in this excessive “race-obsessed” era I elect to say I AM AMERICAN (mutt) a VET and a person of faith. I’ll NEVER support HARRIS… it is the lack of the “Q” word … qualified !

    • according to GOOGLE search …. What do you call a person who is black and white?
      We must also pay attention to the term’s “mulatto” and “colored.” The term “mulatto” was originally used to mean the offspring of a “pure African Negro” and a “pure white.” Although the root meaning of mulatto, in Spanish, is “hybrid,” “mulatto” came to include the children of unions between whites and so-called “mixed ..
      With that said in this excessive “race-obsessed” era I elect to say I AM AMERICAN (mutt) a VET and a person of faith. I’ll NEVER support HARRIS… it is the lack of the “Q” word … qualified !

    • I think you are right. she was plain down right nasty, she showed NO respect, & he was a great President that was cheated out of his second term. God has even said that to Julie Green, a minister that gets messages from God.

  3. Does her dark complexion makes her black? Is she Jamaican or Indian? Where were she born? Aren’t you suppose to be born in America to be president of the United States or vice president for that matter?

  4. I knew Donald Trump as a top of the line busies man. Now I see him as a top of the line President!

    • a top of the line businessman and one who has learned the good use of executive abilities should make a top of the line president. That person is president, CEO, # 1 executive officer of the largest corporation in the world, the government of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. It must be led and run by an individual who is a successful BUSINESS man or woman; most lawyers are not capable of running a business.

  5. Does her dark complexion makes her black? Is she Jamaican or Indian? Where were she born? Aren’t you suppose to be born in America to be president of the United States or vice president for that matter? Jamaicans are black and they are Jamaicans, Indians are dark complected and they are Indians. Kamala is dark so it’s she Jamaican, Indian or what?

    • I believe she is darker due to the makeup used for public appearances now! All drama! And who is pulling her strings?
      No change from the Assumed president! One thing is sought above all others: POWER AND CONTROL!

  6. Does her dark complexion makes her black? Is she Jamaican or Indian? Where were she born? Aren’t you suppose to be born in America to be president of the United States or vice president for that matter? Jamaicans are black and they are Jamaicans, Indians are dark complected and they are Indians. Kamala is dark so is she Jamaican, Indian, black or what!!!!!?????

    • according to GOOGLE search …. What do you call a person who is black and white?
      We must also pay attention to the term’s “mulatto” and “colored.” The term “mulatto” was originally used to mean the offspring of a “pure African Negro” and a “pure white.” Although the root meaning of mulatto, in Spanish, is “hybrid,” “mulatto” came to include the children of unions between whites and so-called “mixed ..
      With that said in this excessive “race-obsessed” era I elect to say I AM AMERICAN (mutt) a VET and a person of faith. I’ll NEVER support HARRIS… it is the lack of the “Q” word … qualified !

    • Good question is she an American citizen!! Or does she have a fake birth certificate like Obama? She certainly isn’t black a Indian and a Jamaican makes a Jamaican Indian woman not black,she’ll never be black!!

  7. “if they throw stones on you, throw them the bread” -this is exactly what Former
    President Donald Trump did. With poised and professionalism he handled the sword. People running in Politics should not even about attacking one another and putting out dirty laundry of other politicians (childish game). It should be about how you can make the Country Great for the goodness and welfare of everyone. Why do we even vote when our votes meant “Nothing”? Why do we even say “Black Journalist”? We are all equal. Address each other with their names and title, if needed. Whenever you addressed race – to me it meant you are the racist as it shows race is important to you. We are all human beings. With so much monies, it meant no peace of mind, no contentment.
    “No man is an Island”- love your people/sovereign and they will serve you better. Voting someone should be about the most loved, kind and considerate human being not who is the most with all the monies. Buy people with love and respect and people needed to be directed as such to unite with love and peace. With good intention should
    always be our motive. All politicians should unite and respect one another for there is that one cause to serve the Country well, full of love not hatred. I am always hoping for America to be better and better, again and again.

  8. A former Clinton advisor praised Donald Trump for one reason no one saw coming
    Donald Trump is accustomed to Democrats and their media allies’ constant barrage of attacks. But one move on the campaign trail earned him surprising kudos. And a former Clinton advisor praised Donald Trump for one […] A former Clinton advisor praised Donald Trump for one reason no one saw coming
    Donald Trump is accustomed to Democrats and their media allies’ constant barrage of attacks. But one move on the campaign trail earned him surprising kudos. And a former Clinton advisor praised Donald Trump for one […] A former Clinton advisor praised Donald Trump for one reason no one saw coming
    Donald Trump is accustomed to Democrats and their media allies’ constant barrage of attacks. But one move on the campaign trail earned him surprising kudos. And a former Clinton advisor praised Donald Trump for one […]

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