Jesse Watters was stunned to learn this secret from Democrats about Kamala Harris

Democrats are treating Kamala Harris as if she’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. But she wasn’t always the object of the Party’s affection.   And Jesse Watters was stunned to learn this secret from Democrats [...]


  1. There are a lot of things about Harris that she does not want the voters to know about and if they do it will al over for her.

    • Democrat Prosecutors love to prosecute good citizens, ignore the real criminals! They’re scared of the real criminals that are their donors… That’s why we’re in a CRIME WAVE!

  2. Harris is a WOKE left of left candidate, she failed dismally as a VP and now wants a crack at POTUS, someone has to be insane or joking.

  3. Kamala has a checkered past when she was a District Attorney/AG of San Francisco, the way she climbed to political ladder to get there, e.g. putting out to Willy Brown a married man 30 years her senior, extreme liberal voting record in the Senate, & a failed VP! This is the best the Democrats have!? They have no bull pen, bench, or farm system! They have become an American Marxist Regime & hope they never hold any office again

    • Spot on. MSM is the communist crats extension seeing more division and lies to the people. They gaslight rather than remaining neutral . Nor are they professional. The party of chaos and division have been bought off by soros, gats, Schwab, bezos ruining America. The rats have gone too extreme, radical, and evil. To promote someone so stupid and dumb just to control began w the sorosian o bama who really started the ruination of the greatest county in the world. Jealousy, greed, and money!

      • You have that right, Sheila! Soros should be shipped out of OUR Country on a stretcher! His son is taking over and I heard he is even worse, if that is possible!

  4. If you have a sizable net worth do not vote for her in November. You will lose more than half of you net worth due to her. She will tax everyone but those that have more money will lose it. End of story.

    • Take this country to hell? Heck the dump craps have been working on this for years and the country has gone down hill especially since Obama. I believe what’s happening now with Kamala was all planned by Obama and……Soros financed it. Obama is far from a nice guy, he’s part devil in his works and even though he’s been out of office for a while, he never left Washington DC. He backed Biden because Biden already had dementia so he could tell him how and when to handle things that he and Soros wanted and then had Biden ask Camel to be his VP. Unfortunately for all citizens he took Biden out and declared Camel would be making all decisions and will be the candidate for the November election. Reason is because he knew how radical she was and therefore thought like him and they could change the country. Never trust a democrat and remember A tiger never changes its spots, ie Kamala and her commie attitude flip flops from one thing or another and those who haven’t followed her better should think twice as she lies, lies, lies!!! Personally all democrats are corrupt and have been since they were allowed to rejoin the government.

  5. If a person has to photo shop a photo to make themselves look better than another — well, camel lady has a huge problem. She does herself well to “FAKE” everything she does. Camel lady keep up the good work cause you ain’t gonna win.

  6. She is a despicable choice to be nominated to hold the highest office in this country! She is not capable of running a yard sale, much less our Country!!!

  7. Dems, Media, DOJ are treasonous and should be expunged and the 2 Party system Be replaced. Congress makes rules timprotexlct themselves and leave the voters behind with no Golf Bars p

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