Whoopi Goldberg had an on-air meltdown over this brutal fact about Kamala Harris

The View features some of Kamala Harris’ biggest cheerleaders in the media. But a guest put the show’s left-wing co-hosts in an uncomfortable situation about the election.  And Whoopi Goldberg had an on-air meltdown over [...]


    • My phone added “Good” to my message and now won’t let edit. So typical. This phone is a crApple iPhone 14 and it
      And it is generally a POS.

        • Who cares what whoopie cushion is babbling on about she doesn’t know her ASS from a hole in the ground.

        • Love my iPhone. Wouldn’t use a droid if paid. I had one and smashed it with a sledge hammer due to it being the Highest POS!

      • I am selling my cell phone because they all spy on us thru audio, video & texts. But I’m changing to a wired landline & satellite phone. Everyone should! It will put Apple & Samsung & all the others out of business & in the dark where they hide, deceive, spy & lie to their customers.

        • Please tell me what kind of a iPhone when I get mine is old iPhone 8, but it is with Apple, so what phone could I get not too expensive they can still take pictures voice political opinions though I do find DuckDuckGo is where I go now not Google

      • I agree on that, the they have to work for 18.50 a hour and can not have there big homes and planes or big boats.

      • you are right. this show is a trashy one. Not intelligent show. it is a garbage.
        the people in this show is garbage. The recology company will pick them up and through them to landfill for the garbage. I am wondering if the anchors in the show
        have degrees. Because they act like not finishing college degree.. especially this black woman. All of them are garbage even they way they talk. Educated people do not talk that way.period. Just garbage, garbage garbage period.

  1. She should have left the country like she said she would if Trump was elected president in 2016, sounds like she is just a lying pos

    • Yeah, totally agree. And, she could take Cher and Bette Midler with her. The country would have had a net gain. Disgusting “woman.” I really would like to know what Ted Danson saw in her.

      • Please,let’s not forget that Babs or Barbra broad. She can hitch a ride with the rest of those mentioned…

        • Whoops, Cher, Bette and Barb all used to be some fantastic women but now their just all crusted over. My daughter entered me in this contest to see Barbara live a few years back, the man was completely shocked when I told him that I wasn’t interested and just kept saying, “BUT MAM,IT’S BARBARA STREISAND!” I couldn’t care less, you couldn’t pay me enough to listen to any of them and the only thing I would go out of my way to watch of Whoops is one of her “old movies” now, I can’t change the station fast enough! How is the View still on!

    • She should b banned from the View 4 her outlandish and racist remarks. She feels entitled 2 speak her piece of mind but is very quick 2 judge the opinions of others especially if they don’t agree with her. Remember when she claimed 2 b Jewish.

      • So totally agree! I think we the people should do a class action lawsuit against the View and mainstream media for their hateful propaganda, lies and misinformation!

        • If there is one major thing that divides the Country, it is the people on the View. They are hateful, rich, one track mind idiots and don’t know what “Democracy” means!
          It doesn’t come close to the way they think and act. Get rid of that hateful show. ASAP

    • Think how much better off we would be if all the people who threatened to leave the country if Trump won, back in 2016, had actually done so. Just goes to show you can’t trust a Liberal/Democrat to keep their word.

  2. When it comes to the so-called ladies, I rather refer to them as (ELITES), also:

  3. I hate how you dont show me the results of the survey after submit my answer. It comes back to the comment page, but I want to see the results.

    • Because the survey probably reflects the truth you had submitted. But the biased fake news doesn’t want your statements or surveys to be seen !!

      • Exactly!! I have posted comments myself in response 2 the ongoing crying over receiving reparations and alleged White privilege and there have supposedly had 65 complaints over my posts which r facts. However there is no way 2 respond 2 these allegations. I even quoted Oxford dictionary the definition of reparations. Most naysayers can’t talk or even spell correctly. Since when in the USA is telling the “TRUTH” wrong or offensive except the FACT that these barnyard buffoons disagree. I am a U. S. citizen born here and served HONORABLY in the USMC ’71-74 with awards 4 MERITORIOUS service. I was raised with discipline and taught respect , graduated high school and have college credits in business management and psychology. So I 2 have been forced 2 accept-woke ,White privilege, LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ , drag queen readings 2 grade schoolers, reparation crying reverse racism. It is O. K. 2 b proud 2 b black but it’s racist and wrong 2 b White. Enough is enough. Keep telling the truth brother cuz only the guilty will take offense.

        • Well said brother! Always speak the truth like you have. Because it will set you free! And separate you from the fools of th£s evil world under Satan. May God Bless You & protect you!

    • Soros wons the media and he rules the USA with his money. So this is probably why they are still on the air, because they sprew poison and lies whenever they open their mouths. I CAN’T SEE WHY ANYONE, EVEN THE DEM’S, WOULD WATCH THEM. I watched their show once, that was the day Whoopie farted on stage, and that was enough for me. Never again.


    • Her actual name is KAREN JOHNSON, Just like the profile of the stereotypical “Know It All Karens” we all see in action.
      But this one is especially obnoxious, racist vs whites, unscrupulous & haughty. She will ultimately answer to God for all the evil/sin she has committed.

    • That’s because DEMONIC RATS work for Satan, who has been the dark ruler of this evil world.
      1John 5:19
      But NOT for much longer.
      ALMIGHTY GOD will soon WIN this SPIRITUAL WAR with HIS HOLY SPIRIT, Legions of Angels led by JESUS Our King, destroying ALL EVIL on Earth to Save Humanity at ARMAGEDDON! -REV 20-21

  5. Agree about the survey. The word “Elite” should be used whenever an individual is subverting the will of “The People” for their own good. That is what the book “Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman is all about and I think we are seeing the process at work in the latest Joe Biden Coup.

  6. Whoopi is one of the most deranged people on TV. She is like Biden, we follow the truth not the facts. The truth is whatever they want to believe and it changes as it is their desired narrative for the say

  7. Whoopi is about as useless as they come, anyone that would believe anything coming out of her mouth has led a sad life and I have some ocean front property in Arizona they can buy cheep like Whoopi’s comments!!

    • Hey John not only that Doofie Golberg (carol Johnson) whatever her name is has “The personality of a comatose eggplant “. The reason they still broadcasting this drivel is because they are a political wing of the DEMOCRAPTIC PARTY just like MSDNC CNN and the rest……George Gerbils would love this crap!!!

  8. The SPEW with the Hyenas! (they have eaten their own McCain, Sharon Osbourne and a few others- who were the saner ones, forced them off the show) We’d all be better off and those who lose IQ points watching that filth was off the air. Too bad can’t shut down the liars/propagandist shills. The lies they spew out, their twisted mentally ill minds- Sad so many still watch!

    • Don’t forget how badly they treated Elizabeth Hasselbeck who voluntarily left “The Spew” & all those miserable angry shrews & she has kept her faith in Almighty God so now Elizabeth is so much happier than all of those in that Snake Pit will ever be!

    • Because the lamestream Fake Media have all sold their greedy souls to Satan too – for Power, Fame & Fortune! I’m sure many are regretting it now! But too late for all those dirty Demons, Traitors & Snakes from the Deep State Swamp! Good riddance to all of them… very soon! And don’t worry, because they will ALL PAY for all their evil deeds very soon! Rev 20:10
      “And they will by no means escape.” 1Thess 5:2,3

  9. Whoopi doesn’t know a thing about politics. Why do people listen to those horrible women. Yes, Harris was never voted on by the people for the possible position of Prez. In fact she did nothing as the V.P., but she lead people to think she was smart. Hell, a cat is smarter than her, oh yes, even a dog. I cannot believe there isn’t one spinless male Democrat that couldn’t stand up against her. Apparently not. What crap. I hope the rich Democrats get just what they are asking for. Remember, God is in charge, not you.

  10. I used to watch Whoopi’s movies but not anymore. I can’t stand leftist fat people who used to be on foodstamps and at that time would have been happy to have Trump as president helping her and those in the same boat as her to get away from government handouts.

  11. I keep telling myself that GOD is in control. However it can be hard. Today when I got up I turned on the tv and the first thing I saw was a Kamala Harris commercial. WHAT A TOTAL LIE!!! I lived in California for 55 years and could never figure out how she ever won an election, EVEN IN CALIFORNIA. What frightens the most is that your average American is an imbecile, in my humble opinion. I worked as an alzheimers nurse and most of those patients had more active intelligence that that which I see in the vast majority of the people walking around free. Where does that leave our Once Great Nation? I keep thinking about what President Abraham Lincoln said. “From whence shall we expect the approach of danger? Shall some trans-Atlantic military giant step the earth and crush us at a blow? Never. All the armies of Europe and Asia…could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio River or make a track on the Blue Ridge in the trial of 1000 years. NO, if destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men we will live forever or die by suicide.” I fear that Lincoln’s words are coming to pass. If Americans DO NOT WAKE UP SOON, IT WILL BE TOO LATE. Makes me glad that I am old and never had children. As once I am dead, I can rest that at least my actions did not dictate that those of my lineage were not left with the destruction of my Country. I once tried to speak to liberals, including some in my own family, to at least, educate themselves and do their due diligence and not merely believe the lies on tv and the News. After meeting with significant failures, I gave up in order to save my own sanity. I decided that it is the responsibility of those with children and grandchildren to educate their own, in order to save them and our Nation, for them. Pres Lincoln was much smarter than me and he saw the possible future of our Nation. However, I always prayed I would be dead before witnessing such an ending. My time is short.

    • Amen Sister! Almighty God will soon WIN this Final Spiritual War VS Satan to Save Humanity from Al Evil on Earth. The Truth has set you free to be at peace now. And True Christians can so relate to your story. Be at peace b/c Almighty God promises a bright future through resurrection of BILLIONS who have already died faithful to Him & His Son Jesus our King, when ALL EVIL WILL BE DESTROYED @ARMAGEDDON! IncludingSatan
      ~REVELATION 21:3-8

    • God has nothing to do with it – it is an imaginary entity invented by people a few thousand years ago who didn’t know any better and were ignorant about natural occurrences like hurricanes and floods etc. Jesus is also not gods son – PERIOD cause there is not god. However we humans are all interconnected and our combined energy is the higher power. Not some imaginary person

  12. The Democrats are the ones that are a threat to democracy not Trump it’s just too bad that the Democrats can’t see that!

  13. We are at a crossroad that will make or break this country. On one side we have a man that has only one goal on his agenda and that’s to “Make America Great Again”. Since he takes no salary, his only only motive is to turn our economy around and prevent a devastating depression. On the other hand we have a cackling female with absolutely no knowledge of how this entire country runs and could care even less. A track record that shows so much failure and even less accomplishments. Her name should be Pinocchio with a mile long nose and sawdust for a brain. Anyone that votes for her has to be a masochist.

  14. Every thing that Former President Trump promised 4 years ago,was done, we have a very good economy,gas prices are down,people are able to buy house because the interest rate is down. Now he is running again for the last time,I prayed to God almighty every night to keep Donald Trump and JD Vance safe from harm. we have a good chance If President Trump and JD Vance win this election.but if Kamala Harris win this election,Kiss your freedom Goodbye.the Foreign leaders,Russia,N Korea, Iran,and china they are all waiting who is going to win this Presidentcy,because world war 111 is around the corner.Kamala doesnt have any experienced what soever in foreign policy. Our Military is not prepared for this kind of war.So think carefully who you vote for.

  15. That Whoopie cushion is looking more and more like Jabba the Hut as she grows larger and LARGER!!! Soon she will resemble a HUGE pile if SH*T which is all she spews!!!

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