Joe Biden is scared as hell after he was caught in this awful 2024 payoff

The clock is ticking down on Joe Biden’s time in the White House. He’s trying to make sure its next occupant is a Democrat. And Joe Biden is scared as hell after he was caught [...]


  1. Biden should be hung on the White House Lawn for Treason. SO should Obama, Schumer, Wray ,
    and Mr. Mayor’s. We should force Pelosi to watch. She knows what coming and thinks she’s hiding from what’s going to happen to these reasoning individuals.

    • It’s Real nice how Google plays cover by misspelling and changing words to my text. I also have noticed many articles that I want to read about these individuals Google won’t let come up on my phone when I press the read more button. Is Google censoring??

      • Yes they are I have the same problem, These companies suck. they are liberals and we are not allowed to express our opinion or share what they do not want us to share. they figure the more people who do not see this stuff will vote Democrat.

  2. The Bidens, Harris, bozo Walz, and all the other Woke pigs are liars, traitors, criminals, and care not about our great nation and its history. First, we must win the election and then put these people jail for decades!

    • Soros and Obama are running our country. Biden was taking out of office because Democrat knows he can’t win.
      Follow the money, Soros and China.

  3. Woke corporate cartel disbands after legal threats from X, Rumble. go to American Frontline site. they have this information .

  4. American people do you now know
    Where all our money is going.
    President & Vice President is bad bad news for the United States & the people.Democrates is screwing the American People every chance they get.
    Impeachment is what they both deserve.

  5. Republicans are working hard to get as many votes for Trump and other Republican office seekers as possible. Of course that is admirable, but it is also a waste of time. Remember what happened in 2020? Trump was running against Joe Biden, a poor excuse for a presidential candidate who spent the entire time in his basement. Trump, on the other hand was out beating the bushes for votes. And he won too. However the democrats used every underhanded fraudulent trick they could think up. With the help of corrupt news media and courts we have been forced to live with their administration that has all but ruined this country. They are planning to do the same thing in this election where they once again have one of worst candidates possible, but they probably will pull it off just like before. It appears they have come up with some new and improved fraudulent activities.

    • Fraud in CA ballot the worst I have experienced. Their shouldn’t be abinstee ballots. Or pasteboard ballot boxes in 47 locations and no voting machines at the pools. I was dropping off my ballot and I was the only person dropping off a ballot. Mail post office not safe. Treat our ballots like banks Treat money but more laws enforcement. Prayers

    • We just won’t let that happen this time will we.
      Everybody “WAKE UP” not woke out. The democrats are corrupt,big tech and the news media There all fake and corrupt!!

  6. This is absolutely wrong how can you do that does anybody ever tell him not to do stuff like that it’s been in our tax money and shit like that I am really outraged.

  7. Please people pull your heads out. Obama got his third term by way of Joe Biden,Now He’s trying for his forth term thru Kamala. Joe was his PUPPET and Kamala will be his PUPPET

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