J.D. Vance shut down this nasty attack from Democrats with four words

J.D. Vance is facing an avalanche of attacks from Democrats and their media allies. But the pile-on isn’t working out like the Left planned. And J.D. Vance shut down this nasty attack from Democrats with [...]


  1. What’s weird is abolishing ICE, continuing the open border policies of Biden/Harris, de-funding the police, paying the bail for insurrectionists who burn, loot and destroy businesses (see Minneapolis’ George Floyd riots) waging “lawfare” on political opponents, undermining and failing to support Israel, lifting sanctions on Iran, advocating the right to vote for illegal immigrants, and supporting and glamorizing the murder of babies in the womb, and campaigning with “drag queens”. Just a few of the wierd aspects of the Harris/Walz campaign.

  2. President Trump will Make America Great Again ! Trump was a Great President! Even J.D. Vance would make a better President than Kamala Harris!

  3. J.D.Vance and Donald Trump are an amazing American pair of Republicans who will put America First and control our economy. Harris has no brains!!!

  4. Why is it the loonies on the left will only see problems with those who disagree with them and their weirdness? Men dressing up and acting like “women of the night”, boys in girls’ dressing rooms, women screaming at the sky when Trump was elected. Am I the only one who thinks THOSE people are weird?

    • James, to the lunatic left, men dressing up and pretending to be women is perfectly normal, along with the other disgusting things they do.

  5. when will obama and his wife leave this white house trying to tell these demorats its time folks the party gone. joe needs tobe

    • Better yet. When will obummer stop realizing he is not president and NEVER will be again, after his third term, with Biden. I believe we have enough honest voters in the world, that after 2028, we will have someone ready, willing and ABLE to take us through 2036. By then, I will be pushing 100 and really won’t care much after that.

  6. Everything the Democrats are doing is not new, it’s the same old dirty tricks they have been doing now for over 100 years, “Totalitarianism” They will never stop because they are “brain dead” and desperate.

  7. Here we are again. The left accusing the right of what they are either doing or whom they are. IE: What is a woman ? Can a man breast feed ? Can a man naturally get pregnant ? On and on. Mostly peaceful protest ! Let them play their silly games and embrace our Constitution !

  8. Kamala is not only weird, She is a COMMUNIST & will continue destroying our Country. She’s another puppet of the cabal and even if she were to win she will never be in charge. We need to vote like our lives depend on it & if we don’t all of our freedoms & our Country will be destroyed

  9. it does not matter who the Dems run. It is their policies that are destroying this country and it is intentional

  10. If the media, for once in their life would tell the truth about Harris, she would never get to first base with her campaign. she backs killing innocent babies under the guise of “women’s productive rights. She bailed out criminals during the riots, to put them back on the streets, while Attorney General in California she kept inmates in jail longer than their sentence for cheap labor. And Democrats expect us to believe Harris would be a good president???

  11. Maybe you need to lower the dosage of those mushrooms you been eating and start living in reality for a change so then you may be able to determine bullshit from chicken shit…!

  12. If we are weird because we are being conservative. On the other hand, these kill babies people will sell our souls to China, kiss ass with the Iranians that want to bury us, and accept that Maduro won the election. How long we have to take it by destroying the economy in America. That is what these people want to do. They are not happy until, we are under the China communist boots and destroyed the republic that shines for over 200 years. Who is weird here? Is that the best these idiot can muster in describe us? Go to hell!

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