CNN’s Dana Bash was stunned by what Nancy Pelosi revealed about her relationship with Joe Biden

Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden have been close political allies. But reports have repeatedly named her as one of the top co-conspirators in Democrat elites’ blatant coup against the sitting Democrat President. And CNN’s Dana [...]


      • Pelosi did not rape anyone, she did not get convicted of numerous felonies and she did not engage in criminally negligent incompetence handling Covid like Trump that crashed the economy taking hundreds of thousands needless deaths down with it. She did not force OPEC to make global production cuts in April 2020 like Trump did causing dramatic prices and inflation to increase dramatically either.

        • how about blatant insider trading? One doesn’t increase their net worth like she has on a 175,000 per year salary without some type of “help”.

        • Ho Ho.Twisting facts like a typical democrat fanatic to promote their screwed political agenda!

        • Oh you must have raped someone. Trump did NOT rape anyone and that is only the demoRATS (like you) that are making false accusations. Perhaps we should start an accusation against you that you raped your neighbor and see how you like it!!
          Stop believing all the crap you are hearing on fake news and realize you have been indoctrinated by the corrupt news and demoRATs!!

    • Pelosi is. The most accomplished House speaker in US history. She did not use a coup against President Biden, at best she recommended President Biden discuss this with his party and then decide on his own and she said she would respect his decision . You would never se that kind of respect from rapist, convicted felon Trump and his fascist Republican cult. They can’t accept defeat gracefully and their election lies has torn this country apart.

      • Did Hillary accept her defeat to Tramp gracefully? Until now she still rants that Trump won the election because of Russia’s help.

      • You are a brainwashed Libtard! You are too ignorant to realized that you are ushering in Total Marxism. Equity will exist, everyone will be equal! NO ONE will have anything! Except the 1 tenth of 1% that control everything! Typical Marxism agenda!

  1. The DNC has morphed into The Mob! Power, near Almighty Power is their Motto. This is NOT the Party of Truman, Kennedy, or Carter. Increasingly the DNC sadly has abandoned the American Core Values of Faith, Family & Freedom!

    • Like supporting the rapist, convicted felon, female predator, serial adulterer and pathological lying Trump is supporting “ Faith, family and freedom” ? The Republicans support tax breaks for billionaires and has not passed one significant policy specifically directed to support average families for over four decades. Your weird head is screwed on incorrectly.

  2. SanFranNan was responsible for eliminating all the “blue dog”, fiscally conservative democRAT reps from the House back in the 90’s.

  3. Pelosi has never told the truth. As Speaker she made millions in illegal trades. She should retire she is to old to be a public servant. She is worse than Joe. Joe had an excuse, Nancy has none

    • Nah, she and her husband are multi millionaires from owning numerous properties in San Francisco a winery, and she uses her position like any Republican does. It is the rapist and convicted felon Trump who has violated the constitutional emolument clause to grift millions off foreign governments like China.

  4. I was very disappointed of the top Democrats party. The way they handled the removal of President Biden from running for another term made me sick. I agree his health is failing but after all this man has done for our country he deserved more respect and appreciation than he got. I am going to be 80 years old this year and if it wasn’t for us old people this country would not be what it is today. I am ashamed of a lot of our politicians and have lost a lot of respect for you.

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