John Kennedy just took apart one awful hoax by the FBI against Donald Trump

The FBI is up to its old tricks again, with the 2024 election ramping up. But the Bureau didn’t count on having to deal with a colorful Senator from Louisiana. And John Kennedy just took [...]


    • I believe in Trump
      And feel bad for the FBI because there are some very good people in the government job. However a few bad apples really makes us look bad.
      God save America

    • The FBI has it’s uses, but very few of them in criminal investigations. What we do need to do is disband the entire agency. Bring back every employee and offer them a lie detector test. For those who agree to the test, put them on the lie box and ask them if they had ever conducted a criminal investigation based only on the FBI’s political interests. This goes for both democrats and republicans. If they are caught lying, they are not offered their job back, with the polygraph results placed in their file. This should be 100% legal, as their not telling the future employers anything. All you’re doing is giving them the results of the polygraph.

    • exactly right and also repeat the truth on C span, MSNBC and CNN, and repeat that at every show in the first 15 minutes in accurate detail to all their viewers for a month or two. Must state that the Secret Service was prevented by the director from going up on the roof to capture the shooter long before he started shooting Trump and other people. The Director was forced to resign. FACT- The shooter visited that roof three times and Secret Service knew about it, has camera footage proving it. FACT- The roof was flat enough and stable enough for agents to have pursued the hitman and killed him before his shooting. A few other people were shot dead, talk about too.
      Secret Service Head, she should be implicated in the planned murders.

    • Need to get rid of the top half of FBI, CIA, secret service, and vet the bottom half thoroughly firing any woke crap, then reorganize with set rules, and maybe no Dems, since they tend to be corrupt, in politics and government jobs

  1. FBI Director Wray should have been fired the same day Trump was shot but never will be fired during the Biden Administration. The FBI has many dedicated Agents but FBI HQ management team must be replaced with non-political personnel. Trump will do this starting on his Day 1.

  2. The FBI and all other agencies of the government need a purge from the top down.This would save the taxpayers billions of dollars a year. Also all agencies and elected politicians should be audited every quarter by outside agencies.

    • Yes, I agree with this statement.We must keep an eye on the corrupt government that thinks THEY own this country.
      There are about 50 corrupt individuals that think we need their permission to live on this planet.Everyone knows who these individuals are. They need to be hung for treason. We need to make examples of these individuals. Isn’t that right Mr Wray and Mr Mayorkis, Mr Biden and Mr Obama and Mr Schumer, Mr Soros??

  3. The left has to keep lying because this there way to control everything so they can retain power and blame all their crimes on the opposition.

  4. I have had no trust for either the FBI nor the CIA since JFK was assassinated. Both were involved in that set up just as both are culpable for the attempt on D. Trump!
    The fact is; The would be ‘world globalists’ have an agenda and they have been working for many years to get their people into the right places to forward that agenda. This should come as no surprise to anyone who has studied The Scriptures, and in particular the prophesies for the ‘end times’. There we find the world being oppressed by a one world government which fights against all that is good, enslaving most of humanity.
    IT IS ALL ABOUT CONTROL FOLKS!!! And goes back to the very first sin, the lust for control over The Almighty One!

    • Yes, I agree with this statement.We must keep an eye on the corrupt government that thinks THEY own this country.
      There are about 50 corrupt individuals that think we need their permission to live on this planet.Everyone knows who these individuals are. They need to be hung for treason. We need to make examples of these individuals. Isn’t that right Mr Wray and Mr Mayorkis, Mr Biden and Mr Obama and Mr Schumer, Mr Soros??

    • It is so true from the Scriptures. Many good people have been saying this, since the Obama administration. You can see how it continued even when Trump got in, how they continually made his 4 years in office a battle for him. Why because his was a threat to their evil acts. We know really who was running this country and making all the decisions that have put us where we are today. Now that they are through with the puppet, you see how they ganged up and pushed him out. These are not people who love America.They love power at all and any cost even if it takes using one of their own. People have to take off their blinders and really fight for our freedom.

  5. Klaus Schwab gloated saying that WEF owned at least one third of all politicians and civil servants in Canada. He noted that Canada would be first to be captured as WEF has infiltrated all positions of power through WEF Young Leaders Program and WEF Young Influencers and Global Shapers Programs. 🔺MEGA BOOM! Schwab’s Global Shapers Network Exposed!
    SHARE this far and wide🇺🇸
    Join Us👉 @SGTnewsNetwork.

    • It’s all about the control of access to money. The WEF and its members are blackmailing elected officials with the threat of withholding funds if officials don’t do what they’re told. Who owns the MSM?

  6. The Dems think if they ALL consistently LIE it will become truth! It’s so sad to know that’s all they have to win on is LIES! THERE IS NOT ONE DEMONUTCRAT WORTH telling the truth. A real Pathetic bunch.

  7. The DERMONRATS only know one thing, ” Lie, Cheat,Steal, Intimidate and KILL”. This has been their AGENDA for many years and will be unless we VOTE for PRESIDENT TRUMP NOVEMBER 5th.

  8. Had the FBI and Wray not been totally negligent in their sworn responsibilities, President Trump would not have come within millimeters of being assassinated, one rally attendee would not have died, and two other attendees would not have been seriously wounded. Meantime, the FBI is investigating this crime? What a sick joke!

  9. the commi democrats should get down on their hands and knees and repent to god! for they may not pay for it now, but they will on judgement day. god have mercy on their souls!!!!!!!!!

  10. Wray, did not answer the question he was asked.
    If you are wondering why not, re-read Kennedy’s question, and compare the subjects in the question.
    Then compare what Wray said about ONLY the bullet, but NOT where it came from.
    We know the FBI, Secret Service have be careful about their answers, and this omision stinks.

  11. Why fire Wray? This Administration will only replace him with another Corrupt Director. Every single Federal Agency is corrupt!

  12. When HOT TOPIC: Should Christopher Wray be fired? and I make my statement. You never post the percentage of Yes No is posted?

  13. democrats lie, and Americans die
    dei in the secret service will cause Americans to die.

    any vote for any democrat is a vote to destroy America for china and iran.

  14. Answer your questions you run this post like a SCAM you don’t give the results No wonder I generally don’t fall for these clickbaits

  15. I think that Director Wray should be publicly fired on National TV and his ridiculous statement about maybe Trump wasn’t even hit by a bullet exposed as an out and out lie to the American people!

  16. lOVE KENNEDYThe FBI has it’s uses, but very few of them in criminal investigations. What we do need to do is disband the entire agency. Bring back every employee and offer them a lie detector test. For those who agree to the test, put them on the lie box and ask them if they had ever conducted a criminal investigation based only on the FBI’s political interests. This goes for both democrats and republicans. If they are caught lying, they are not offered their job back, with the polygraph results placed in their file. This should be 100% legal, as their not telling the future employers anything. All you’re doing is giving them the results of the polygraph.

  17. me have had nothing but shit from our government for the last 3 1/2 years kick all those assholes out.

  18. we have had nothing but shit from our government for the last 3 1/2 years kick all those assholes out.

  19. President Trump and Senator John Kennedy tell it like it is, plain, simple and to the point.
    Democrats lie,cheat, steal, and use every person they can to hold onto power.
    When President Trump wins the presidential election, it will be a fight for him to make it to the White House. Jamie Rasmussen has already said that if democrats take control of Congress, they will not allow President Trump to be confirmed!
    Republicans MUST, MUST, make sure to elect Republicans to the House and Senate, as well as the presidency!
    The lying, cheating Democrats can not be allowed to further destroy our country, or we will have no country at all…just another 3rd world country.

  20. It’s time to clean house from the top on down. FBI, CIA AND THE NON JUSTICE DEPARTMENT. Do away with the Education Department and put it back in the states hands. Fix the Title IX boondoggle that the Demogods missed up and cut off funding to the colleges and universities that are screwing up. The more money they get from us the more they charge for tuition. That’s crap. Plus they aren’t educating the kids except to communism.

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