Whoopi Goldberg flew off the handle and unleashed this sick attack against Trump supporters
Whoopi Goldberg has one of the most severe cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome known to man. The Presidential election pushed her over the edge. And Whoopi Goldberg flew off the handle and unleashed this sick [...]
She needs to pack up and move to another country but either way idgaf!
My exact thoughts. Whoopi go destroy someplace else!
Her very presence is destructive.
She needs to be FIRED.
What Whoopie needs to understand is she is a hate monger and conversely one of the most hated women in USA. Probably more than Hillary Clinton. She and the entire View team are responsible for much of the divide among Americans.
She is a pathetic individual. Makes me sick they have a show. They are full of hate.
BIG DITTO ! The Dem’s have LOST IT !
They need to BECOME more ORGANIZED in what They THINK MAY WORK for their Dem Party- But do I really care (??) if AOC & K/Harris think their loud mouth has any
value – then wrong again.
The whole show needs to go
The hate and lies and fear mongering only caused more violence and tension as they threw gasoline on the fire. We will give them credit when a lie was put out, they backed it like an honest Girl Scouts. Remember we the people were lied to about the border and they sat back laughing the whole time . Still waiting to see the elites take one of these immigrants to their mansions , they have plenty of money and space!
Definitely! Long overdue. Nothing but a bunch of gossip spewing, entitled haters.
Who watches the show? The only part of the show that I see are the “clips” that Jessie Watters and Greg Gutfeld put on their shows, making fun of the stupid things those hateful women say and do!
Is there a go-Fund-Me account I can contribute to buy a 1 way air ticket for Whooppie to leave the USA. She wanted to leave if Trump won so let us help her leave.
Excellent idea!
We don’t need to buy her a one-way ticket to Afghanistan – shove her butt into the wheel-well and drop her off on the way.
Fire her n ship her out of the country, she sucks
Wheel wells are not large enough
Sorry it won’t fit.
im for that a one way ticket to russia or china.got a choice slob.
I’ll chip in
When is all of Hollywood moving to another country as so many have said they would???
America will be a better country when all these leftest clowns get out. And stay out!
Many would be relieved and wouldn’t miss her or other celebraters at all. Whoopi needs some medical help, maybe put in confinement and loose the key.
Behair is close second to Goldberg
They said that in 2016 but they are still here.
And take Joy Ried with her. The View needs to be canceled. The Spew has outstayed their welcome.
say it loud!!
Whoopie and the rest of the disgusting amateurs on that show continue to show their ignorance every day! They are so filled with hate they can hardly stand each other!!!
That’s Joy Behar, that’s on the View.
A Big AMEN!!
Gitmo in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba would work.
How did they forget Trump called Democrats as “vermin”? Which, of course, they are…
The difference between Trump and the Dems is Trump only called the Politicians names, but the Dem Politicians called the Trump supporters names…and disgusting ones at that!
We need a whole new Democrat party that hasn’t been threatened, bought, and can think for themselves. Get out of there. She is the ring leader of hate and corruption.
The View should have been canceled a long time ago. It spews nothing but hatred and lies.
I remember when Whoopi was funny, but that’s before she believed what she thought was relevant. It’s not.
whoopi goldberg need to clean herfelf up her looks and clothing. how did she get this job on tv. she looks like a person thats on welfare.her clothing she most buy at a rumpage sale. with all her money lady you should nt becalling trump supports or any one else.she looks like she is on welfare.she nothing but a big mistake on tv.and has the nerve to be calling us trump supports bad words.lady wake up look at your self in the mirror and put soap in your mouth and take a bath and then look in the mirrror on tv and excuse your self. .how dare you call us trump supporterstrump derangement syndrome.kiss our behinds lady and look in the mirror.a real pig thats what you look like. and what comes out of your mouth. trump in 2028.
You have proved my point Trump supporters are full of rage, poison, evil and totally insane….You fit the bill!!!!! Sick nasty person donnie supporter!!! Go to H-LL!!!
No cure for STUPID! The View should be called The Cauldron, as there are a bunch of old crones sitting around stirring a pot of toxic waste. If this is an example of what Democrats are supposed to be, then I find it hard to believe that they ever won anything, but then again,,, No Cure For STUPID
What the hell are you talking about? The democrats have been calling the Republicans evil and vile names for several years. Look to Clinton’s, Biden’s, Harris, Obama’s. The list is endless, and it is evil! We didn’t start this fight, but God willing, we will end it. This has got to stop!
Agree and what is with that stupid white wig from the court system in the 1920s and her bald head and no undergarments under her blouse outrageous
Unfortunately, President Trump can’t run for office again because he is limited to 2 four year terms. He’ll also be too old in 2028
Don’t insult the pig.
She needs to go back to putting makeup on the dead.
No other country will let her in!!!!
She’s Always is jealous of being so UGLY with FOAMS coming out of mouth, bow legs could never walk right
Yes, Whoopi might wanna call Cher and Madonna and they could all move out of the United States together. Don’t let the Door hit them in the butt
She is just another loud mouth twit from the Looney Tune Club! Knows nothing so opens her yap proving so!
WE need to pray for Whoopi that she doesn’t lose her mind, on second thought maybe she already has.
Ed Johnson
Predators. Mother needs to go‼️
Thank GOD we can breathe !! Again .we could not survive as another 4 years of bidenomices we will fix this crap that we’re in.
What a huge relief!
Don’t go away mad, JUST GO AWAY!!!!!
That’s why the View should not have trash like her on the show!!!
Need to get her out of the country and
Cancel the view.
One ugly dude
Dude, Dudette or Dude-It.
Whoopi is so astoundingly ugly,that I cant imagine how she was ever a successful whore. Her spirit is as ugly as her face.
Whoopi need to be a Ghost 👻 and disappear forever. No one wants to see her UGLY MUG on the TV screen again. Whoopi, do like you promised, get TF out of here and NEVER come back. You’re FIRED!!!
Also on Star Trek she played a bartender goes to show what acting she can do?
Don’t wantv2 see tge entire gangbusters there. NASTY old jealous bigoted women. IF they should be called that.
I just saw a comment on the Guestbook page for Phil Donohue. He was the beginning and where the talk show all began. He was informative, took the views of the audience and did not demean or put down anybody. Many have claimed as I do. He was the best and most probably the last of good informative interviews. After that it all went downhill and became sensationalism. He may have opened the doors for many but sad to say, they did not follow in his footsteps of being an intelligent, respectful host. Now some, not all, do interviews, doing things that may hurt people with no sense of responsibilty. Barbara Walter started the View, but these women have turned it into nothing but a slanderous, mean program with no regard to who they hurt.
Whoopi when Biden won in 2020 you told Republicans to deal with it !!! Well you can now deal with it 😂
And deal with it we did. We are never to be in a hurry to exact revenge, a dish best served cold.
Whoopie and all you other nonbelievers you know Harris and Biden were the worst by far. Nothing they did since they got in was any good So to all you, I say🖕🖕🖕🤬💩
Gonna be a great comedy to watch them all lose their little minds for 4 years!!! This scumbag was NEVER funny ever before!
She should have stayed as nun like in the movies I had more respect then and now no respect
Only a filthy mouthed two-bit WHORE!
Two bit?? She must have tripled her price due to bidenflation.
Whoopie you’re supposed to move out of America 8 years ago Why are you still here You said if trump wins president you go move
When ‘The View’ started, it was interesting, now it’s just wasted air time.
It’s time for it to go.
The liberal, left-wing media definitely won’t cancel the show – it’s one of the most watched Democrat BS propaganda shows on TV. If the view went, the Democrats would only have the late-night talk shows like Kimmel left to spew their lies.
Whoopi pack your bags and shut your f-in mouth. America is sick of you so get out of our country your so negative on America so do what you’r lying ass said it was going to do if Trump won the election. Leave America and take all your stupid friends with you. Your a lying P.O.S.
Agreed Whoopi and Joy are sickening!
Whoopie is nothing but a race baiting evil hate monger. She and all her elitist super rich entertainers all promised to leave if DJT were elected. I’ll help them pack. Why do they think that we care who they endorse? The economy and immigration problems don’t affect them like it does the working middle class. So as far as I’m concerned they can all F^^k off and leave.
Whoopie, you stated that you do not wear underwear on one of your past shows. I just want to know if you cleaned your chair or if someone else had to clean it for you when you shit because PRESIDENT TRUMP won the election that you communist tried to rig against him????
Garbage, What do you mean by that. All they go by is hate. If they would have left the Trump polices alone, we would have had none of this.
Wait … she promised to leave the country if Trump won ?!!
Do you need help packing ? Buy you a one way plane ticket ?
Have you heard that Fox is creating a talk show to compete with the View 😂
There already is one everyday on at noon it’s a really good show too! 1352 cable channel in my area!
Rob Reiner said he was going to set himself on fire if Trump won well Rob do you need the gas
Sending guaranteed ignition source UPS, pronto.
I will supply the match!
I would gladly give him the gas and watch
Forgot the match to light him up . He like Whoopi are POS.
I’ll supply the matches.
. these people on the view and other demorat shows like msnbc cnn there garbage.they never speak like america they speak like communism.so move on or move out we love president trump and our country.just look at his beautiful family.you people that disgrace trump and his family its time to get out of our country andmove on.so much hatred in america from them.move to russia or china got a choice.we need to move on were better than these losers.god bless president trump and god bless america and all the people that voted for our beautiful president trump.2024 cant come fast enough.
He is another unhinged person. He needs to go to therapy.
You can take the trash out of the trailer park but your can’t take the trailer park out of the trash. Bye bye Whoopi and the rest of the view with you. 🤣
I thought Whoopi Dawg was going to leave the USA again!!!!
Hey that ignorant arrogant woke liberal black bitch Whoopi is totally insane and hopefully she will have heart attack have a nervous breakdown and be institutionalized for life. Stfu Whoopi!
I wouldn’t waste my time or electricity to watch THE VIEW. Everything Trump is accused of can be said of the BITCHES on The View.
Whoopi needs to pack up and leave the country like “she promised”. My president keeps his promises no threats! As above. GTFO IF U DONT LIKE IT! Stop spewing hatred! Your opinion DOES NOT MATTER! Just go away
All with TDS and swearing to leave the USA should now go and leave the passport here. If they don’t go, then they are fakes and nothing but hot air windbags wanting to hear themselves bluster and remain relevant. Airlines should be busy and a few countries will gain a few more citizens. Good-bye traitors!!
Most other countries wouldn’t want none of the wind bags on the view! I say pack them up with all the deportations that will be moving if they love them so much come the right way or don’t come at all!!!
If the View is poorly rated, why is this show still on television?
Probably the propaganda that they spew allows them to continue….even though people tune them out continually. Political propaganda is the main reason they stay on.
Because Whoppie is the executive producer of the show, she owns it and runs it. No one in their right mind would hire her, so she hired herself.
Really she’s the executive producer of the show when did that happen ? The whole show should be canceled. Maybe be Elon Musk should buy ABC and cancel it himself.
I always thought the whoopster was just another one of the LEE sisters but I didn’t know which one… “Home” or “Ug”.
No, Home-LEE is a step above.
Whoopi is not an actress, she is not funny, she is the most ugly person around, she has a foul mouth and no one should care about listening to her…
The VIEW needs to be SHUT down, it is totally ANTI AMERICA ABC needs to be put out of Business for allowing this Garbage to stink up our airwaves.
I agree 100%,
The garbage truck: I assume this displayed the genius, the almost instantaneous thinking, the ability to read the people of Trump’s election team. Trump’s perspicuity, his talent in employing people with such abilities gives promise of his ability to successfully manage the powers of the Presidency, to find the right people to undo the Biden/Harris disaster. This will be costly and politically hazardous; I can only hope it can be accomplished, at least in part, by the midterm elections.
She said she would leave the country last time- she again stated it this time~~ Please just go….take your cohosts with you especially Joy~ she needs joy in her life. That show should have been done years ago. All they do is speak assnine stuff!
Whoopy is the ugliest Black Racist ,always been.Somebody with money buy her a one way ticket to China
Whoopi is the problem. She can be part of the solution if she just moves out, as she has said she would many times. Why is the view even on TV?
I thank God Jesus christ answered 🙏 prayers that he give a mercy to all Americans people who been Praying our country Americans I hope we continue Praying 🙏 for our Country America in a good way! God still Lov Americans! Now this people don’t like Mr.Trump when they are move other countries so feel u don’t have freedom !
Whoopie needs to re-evaluate herself because she has to live with herself! She has lost herself and she will never be able to reclaim her soul.
Woopie is just a Lonely FAT FUGGLY pile of HATE for everything around her. she is a BIG has been and she thinks she is still Relevant and everyone wants to her her worthless Opinion.
the whop is UGLY TO THE BONE (and stupid also).
I once wondered what effect a flea’s flatulence would have, on a hurricane. Thank you, Whoopie.
and dont for get to take the other three losersjoy sunny and fat anna.she just became a united states citzen fat anna and she is critizing president donald j trump.fat anna go back were you come from.big mouth just like the other two
Mismanagement has resulted in many landfills of Puerto Rico overflowing and closed. President diverted $1.4 billion to the island of garbage for clean-up.
JOY Beharis the worst!
Whoopless is one of the lowest on TV. She has an ugly mouth, as they all do, and they think that what ever they say is law. They are the worst to ever have a show and they need to be shut down forever. They all need to leave forever just like they swear they are going to do. Why they are allowed to even be on the air, is so dirty and disrespectful.
All IS being REVEALED! Karen Johnson aka Whoopi goldberg is eaten up along with the rest of the demoncRATs TDS. Bad dogs are always put down, just saying
I couldn’t agree more and I think I see the Foam coming out of her mouth. it’s time.
I feel sorry for Barbara Walters because she started the View and this group of so called woman have ruined it. It should be taken off the air for good or at least change the woman on it. It is disgusting what they get away with and I will never watch it.
barbara walters must be turning in her grave listening to these horrible women disgracing president trump.this show and these women should be ashamed the way they talk about a president trump.its disgracful. we should get a petitaion to get them off the airs.they talk like they come from another country.disgracful women,dont watch this show anymore and maybe by them they will be canceled the worse show on tv plus jimie kimmel another waste should be removed.its disgracful what they say about the greatest president trump and us supporter were garbge to them .canvel these freaks.there not americans god bless president trump and our beautiful america country,
Sadly, that show is so biased and hateful that I never watch it. Have not for years and am very happy not knowing what they talk about. It should be called “The Wrong View.”
no the show should be called there views.its not called the view.if you dont agree what these women say on the view they want to killyou,thats how desperate they are, god bless president trump and god bless america, 2024
Take action by informing the network that any and ALL commercial sponsors will be notified that their advertised products will no longer be purchased as long as they continue to sponsor programs that promote division of our beloved country – specifically THE VIEW. If enough true Americans really want to get rid of the GARBAGE (THE VIEW) we could stuff a dirty sock in all of their dumbocratic mouths for good !
She has the ugliest mouth on TV along with her coven of hate. The joke made at the rally was referring to loser Biden’s comment on calling us all Garbage, included Puerto Rico, and the Island with Trump supporters. He meant ever word he said and it included them along with us. Trump was voted in because we are tired of being called everything that is dirty, that they choose, while they are the ones that are dirty.
Time to “TAKE OUT” the Garbage and Woopie is PURE Garbage
Oopsie is non-relevant! She is a screeching harpy, along with joyless behar! Barbara walters would turn in her grave to see how they have destroyed her legacy! Everyone on the view should be fired! They make the network look bad, and few , if any, people watch the freak show now! Who cares what oopsie says? She is a sorry has been, not relevant . Cancel the show and save a lot of money. Send the harpies back to their witches coven, who doesn’t want them either. They are sore losers, can’t handle the fact that the best man, Donald J. Trump won fair and square! Get over it beotches, commielala lost!!!!!!
Why isn’t the view taken off the air? Nothing but a bunch of nothing better to do then sit and complain for everything. I do not watch them ever. Worst show on. And if they leave our country. Great. Won’t be noticed or missed. BYE
Mophead Johnson should keep her B_I_G mouth shut. She/it is so offensive to normal people that it pains me to watch her B_I_G mouth flapping in the wind all of the time!.
If Trump voters are deplorable and garbage, then democrats all have TDS. I voted for Trump and Cruz and a great day is coming when Trump takes over! It’s so bad now that I’m not sure we can overcome the damage Bidumb/Kamela has foisted off on us.
whoopi with your big mouth even the black community hates you. You call every body a racist we’ll since we are racist
Shut your big black mout and get in the back of the buss with the rest of your nigger racist friends. Now are you happy bitch you heard it now live with it that’s what you were waiting for.
And by the he way I am black.
Tell that has-been to have her diaper changed and shut her mouth. Nobody cares to hear her constant bitching!
When it’s said that these are “the ladies” on the View I don’t see not one lady, hags yes ladies no. There is nothing ladylike about them. None of them have an elegance or bubbly personality. Whoopie, Behar, and Hostin and the rest of them are full of hate and jealousy towards a conservative woman who can handle herself and shows intelligence. They attack as a group and it makes them feel like they are badasses, but it makes them look stupid and more ugly than what they really are. So go ahead and carry on with the ranting and raving name calling, hatred. Knock yourselves out. The 4 years that we conservatives had to endure with Biden/ Harris and the rest of the imbeciles in that administration we all came out of it okay. All of you jerkoffs hopefully will need to leave the USA or receive therapy, I hope you all LEAVE!!! YOU DON’T DESERVE TO BE IN THE MOST GREATEST COUNTRY EVER!!
Whoopi Goldberg once said she was going to leave ou country . . . WHY IS SHE STILL HERE???
It was we the people that made these people rich by going to their movies, buying their music, or books, etc. We need to stop supporting them! They certainly don’t support us! It’s hard to believe that they can be so evil and foul to their supporters that gave them their careers!!!!
The VIEW is classified as a variety show for entertainment only in the entertainment industry…Which means they can not be sued because they are not a reliable News platform but a bunch of people talking to people that choose to listen…That’s how they get paid and yes their network gets penalized
Whoopi is an embarrassment to the United States, humanity, and to women. I hope one day to not hear her name again, please just fade away, you are a disgrace to all of us.
They named a cushion after Whoopi and that’s all I hear when she opens her mouth!
The best way of getting these ladies off the air is for the public to quit supporting the advertisers of the show.
the “View” is a group of highly paid women who are actually hate mongers!!!
Whoopi Who?
P.O.S., plain and simple, with “Zero” Credibility!! She promised to leave America, when Trump won his first term, and she “didn’t”!!! Pity, now she has a second chance and no doubt, “still” won’t!!! There are so many of us, who would, pay for her Uber transportation to the Airport, “soon”!!! BTW, PLEASE SURRENDER YOUR PASSPORT AS YOU LEAVE THE COUNTRY, YOU ARE NOW “AND UNDESIRABLE ALIEN”!!!
Whoopi’s a full blown Black Operative of The Democrat Communist Criminal Terrorist Organization. Its best she commit suicide to make the world a better place.
whoopie and the rest of the women ( and I use that term loosely) are a total enemies of the GREAT USA. i’M A VIET NAM VETERAN AND T TOOK AN OATHE WHEN I ENLISTED THAT I WOULD PROTECT MY COUNTRY FROM ALL ENIMIES FOERAN AND DIMESTICT!!!!!!
The View All Of Them In One Cage Sent To A Zoo In A Different Country The Attraction The View With All Attendees To Get A Free Bag Of Peanuts To Throw At Them ( Stipulation) NOT RETURNABLE TO THE USA.