Tom Homan put the fear of God in Democrats by hitting them with this major reality check

Democrats have moved from depression to anger as they make their way through the well-known stages of grief while coping with Donald Trump’s historic victory. They’re now trying to out virtue signal one another by [...]


    • Im sick and tired to these democrats opposing the mass deportations of Trumps first Agenda when his back to whit house..Isnt that deporting this illegal migrants is good for the citizens of this country..I dont understand on why they are opposing this issues..border crisis is the biggest problems in this country..Both parties should work together, instead of acting like immatures because Trump won…for once lets unite and help the country and the citizens , save them from the high crimes and human trafficking..our country is over populated, so its time to let the illegal migrants go back to their own country where they belong…

  1. Sick of this site taking poles promising to give results but only giving a few comments! Please unsubscribe me now!

  2. WHERE ARE THE POLL RESULTS???????????????????????????????

    Yes, I do enjoy reading the articles and the thoughts of
    other users, but reading the results of the polls is important
    too! Post them!!

  3. I’m so frigging tired of these stupid ass Democrap governors and mayors lying out their asses about breaking up families. The criminals and gang members are going first. Then the other illegal aliens are going. But all the freebies will be gone long before that. So if they can’t sit on their asses doing nothing getting money, a lot of them will leave on their own. I won’t pay taxes if dumbass Pritzker decides to take my taxes and give them to the illegals. I’ll give what I owe to my town and county. I’ll also start a recall vote for the governor.

  4. Patrick, then women must have prostates and testicles. I keep getting stuff in my email tell me what I need to get more erections and sperm. I don’t have any of the equipment and my husband has been dead a long time. I’m also tired of being sent emails from Ukraine women wanting to meet me and marry me. My late husband was never on my email. So I don’t think they know what a woman’s name is.

  5. It is time for us to stand up for Americans. American first. That is how I see it. The illegals are draining resourcees that should be helping our own people. America first.

  6. Letting illegal immigrates remain in our country has led to dire consequences in so many various ways, especially with spending our tax dollars on them that’s insane!

  7. Send every one of these left wing politicians who keep breaking the law concerning illegal immigration to prison. They act as if they’re above the law when it comes to allowing these foreign criminals into this country.

  8. I cannot understand why the Democrat Party claims to represent the American people. THEY DO NOT! They champion the globalist agenda and stomp all over We the People right here in the USA!

    My ancestors came here LEGALLY then established themselves without any help from the US government in the form of HUGE cash gifts and FREE housing and food. If these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS can’t do that then they don’t belong here! THESE ILLEGALS ARE GETTING IT ALL FREE WHILE WE THE PEOPLE SUFFER!!

    So tell me, Democrites, what’s right about THAT?

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