Tim Walz was fuming when a police officer blew the whistle on this ugly scandal

Democrats don’t want the public to know the truth about Tim Walz’s record.  But the damning facts about his time in office are starting to come out.  And Tim Walz was fuming when a police [...]


  1. Just one more lie to add to Tampon Tim’s list of dozens of lies made public. How many more exist? This man is dishonest about everything. He cannot be trusted!

    • ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! HE LIES EVERY TIME HE SPEAKS. I cannot believe he was any kind of a coach. And he is definitely ‘brain-dead’ not differentiating one gender from another. He prides himself on being an educator?

      • Waltz is the type of “teacher” that is destroying our schools and children!
        To me, it is unimaginable that ANYONE would vote for Tim Waltz!
        But then, Democrats have to be told what to think, and they are following right along with whatever the liberal media tells them.

    • Hopefully the ignorant & blind Dems will see this & vote for new lifw for all let alone just Blue states.

  2. Walz HATES THE POLICE because earlier they arrested and jailed him for (DUI) DRUNK DRIVING while also lying to the police when they pulled him over to prevent him from killing people and himself when he was driving dangerously! This man is not vice president material! In fact he should not be allowed to hold any public office including being a public school assistant coach to school kids!

  3. Walz is a fraud just like every other single democrat that wants political power. All their hairbrained ideas of Utopia are nothing but schemes. Put them all together on an island by themselves and watch what happens. It would make for some funny TV. Oh and they can’t leave the island. LMAO

  4. I’m a V.veteran,& the fact that he embellised his rank & accomplishments,& fighting in war i think should merit a dishonorable discharge.Their is nothing honorable about what he did..He ran from his duties as a man in charge.Hes

  5. democrats are destroying America, any vote for any democrat is a vote to destroy America for china and iran rule.

  6. Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t he voted back on office for a second term? If so, what in the hell is wrong with the people of Minnesota? You reap what you sow.

    • Not necessarily.
      Consider: Governor, AG, SecState, both Senators, Minneapolis City Council, St Paul City Council, MN Legislature (both houses) =Leftist Democrats. Not to mention the most notorious of all the Leftist Democrats, Ilhan Omar.
      With all that stacked up against us, Conservatives are, as always, marginalized to the extreme. ESPECIALLY Conservatives of color-
      Leftists save their most vitriolic attacks for them.
      You think these Dems don’t fix our elections in this otherwise beautiful state?
      Think again.

    • The election system in MN is run buy democrats, MN was just one of the states that was caught fooling around with votes in the 2020 pres election. How do you think that towel head woman,,questionable,, got into the congress !!!

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