This Catholic Cardinal has the Vatican in chaos after he blew the whistle on those using the Bible to justify this evil

The Bible is often used to justify people’s behavior. Sometimes for good, sometimes for nefarious reasons. And it is easy to twist Scripture to make up an evil where it doesn’t really exist. But this [...]


  1. Stop this evil drive it is NOT what God wanted.
    Terrible people that only want to wipe our values of God and country off the face of our earth.

    • He is Muslim like Obama both playing the role of Christians. They are top level impostors converting Christian world to Islam and a Sharia. Obama is the grand deception who irreversibly ruined the most basic principles of Judo Christian civilization using the position of the President of most powerful Christian state in the history of the world

      • The CHRISTIANS did not help themselves very much after COLONISING other people’s countries and then DINIGRATING the people and their culture.

        WHat part of the BIBLE allows the VIRULENT LEVELS of racism practised in AMERICA and the UK inn the last two centuries.

        The WEST is reaping the crops it sowed. THE WEST raped many third world countries of their wealth, enslaved their peoples and expected that to tbe the end of it. THEY WONT EVEN PAY REPARATIONS.

        AS JOHN PAUL 11 said in 1975, the people are voting with their feet- they are following the money that the WESTERN CIVILIZATION STOLE AND CONTINUES TO STEAL FROM places such as CONGO, where the DOG KING LEOPOLD killed 59 millions, South Africa, Zambia and Mozambique.

        The migration has only just begun. You sowed the wind and your children are reaping the WHIRLWIND.

      • I see your point of view. My own opinion is that the wrong man was elected Pope. I wish some of the cardinals would remove him before the Synod

  2. Islam is an evil that is as dangerous as abortion.Sharia Law and the killing of Christians must not be tolerated. Why would you want Islamic immigrants who would impose Sharia Law in your country. Such law is anti-Christian.

  3. The Vatican is wrong , this is awful when the people crossing the borders are killing people and they want to support Kamala

  4. Islamism is a death sentence to the world! When what was good becomes evil and evil becomes good life as we know it is OVER! NO SHARIA LAW IN AMERICA!

  5. Lets take care of the less fortunate in the USA ,Charity begans at home.Our hurricane,tornado,flood victims and those hurt most by inflation caused by the Biden Administration policies. Abortion is not health care!

  6. I would like to see the passage of scripture . That the POPE is referring to. How ever I do not have a Catholic BIBLE !

    • I am Catholic and there is no passage that reads as such. Personally the Pope should keep his nose out of American politics. As far as abortion.I have news for him. Women have been having abortions way back in the thirties under the radar. The bible does say that there will be a devil that will invade and destroy and he will be in human form. I personsally believe that when Obama was elected that is when it started. In college he preached communism and of course in the name of a Democrat imposed his beliefs on presidents after and continued brainwashng people. Now he is shaming his own black men to vote for Harris. But they see through him and are bucking him. See it online and on Salem news. He thinks in their words that he is their God and they have to follow what he says. Very interesting in what they had to say. They reminded him that they are educated men and can think for themselves and see what is going on in this country and are going through what all Americans are. Can you imagine degrading your own race to push to vote for someone. Now I would call that who is deviding the country. You have your answer. See it on Salem News

  7. We know even from our private homes, that we cannot swarm our family with scores of unknown persons, and certainly not dangerous characters. Thus we must not let a flood of untested persons cross our borders, no matter which country we are. Islam has many tendencies which threaten our families, churches, state and society. The Bible does not support such a thing

  8. The Catholic Church? LOL! Remember! The “Pope” entered a Muslim Mosque and then BOWED to Mecca and ISLAM.

    That says all that needs saying! No representative of God Himself would bow to a false god!

    You can trace the beginnings of the Bible and God’s Word throughout history all the way back to 4004 BC. You can only trace the roots of Islam back to some guy sitting in a tent in the middle of the desert dreaming up his god Allah.

  9. The current pope is obviously senile and needs to be removed from office. How much longer will Catholics have to endure this buffoon?

  10. The current Pope is not trustworthy. He is not our President and needs to BUTT OUT of America’s politics.

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