This California prosecutor’s eye-opening warning about Kamala Harris just kneecapped her propaganda campaign

Democrats’ efforts to “rebrand” Kamala Harris and cover up her record have been going better than the Party could have ever imagined. She’s now at least tied with Donald Trump and may very well have [...]


  1. What else does any voter need to know about Harris? As the Border Zar, she failed miserably. Just read about her behavior and how she got in the high offices in California. She spent most of her time on her knees thanking her married helper! She is not fit to lead Our Country! Most US citizens are having a terrible time affording groceries, gas, rent, etc.,under her and Biden’s failed leadership.

    • **MRS.** Willie Brown, even more so!!! Kameleon Devi Horriss is a WRECKER of all she touches. — Or should we say, “TORCHES” — Minneapolis is an example. CRIMINALS of ALL SORTS benefitted from the bail funds she raised (& the Ad is still UP!) — getting out to commit crimes again, make more victims. She is a committed DEMOLOCRAT. She SHOULD BE committed — to a permanent mental institution. throw away the Key!

      • You are absolutely Positively right! If ONLY Dumocratic run /owned Mainstream Media outlet’s had the Ball’s to allow American voters who this incompetent woman truly is!

      • The worst thing that could EVER happen to our country, is to let this crooked excuse for a woman, be the President of our Country. Even Her Own Father is saying she is EVIL!!!

  2. How can anyone, even a liberal, not know about her sleeping with “big wigs” to climb the ladder of Evil Power and Money? Don’t they all even know that they will have to live by her COMMANDS IF SHE GETS ELECTED. I hope that many of the people even though they seem to adore her know WHAT SHE REALLY IS; UGLY INSIDE AND UGLY OUTSIDE. She is a good liar but a poor talker.

  3. God is the only one who can help us through this maniacal candidate who has no regard for the law, the border, the Constitution or any sane policy. Please inspire those with common sense and the desire to live without total control from the DemocRAT party.

    • I so agree with you. I pray several times a day that the Lord will help in aiding us to get the truth out to her Brainwashed followers before it’s to late.

  4. to some people as long as that person has a D behind their name they will vote for them no matter if she or he is a ding-bat or not.

  5. She won by Mail-in Ballots , must be a Democrat, Thats how they win, mail ins , people that live out of state, dead people, nursing home ballots, people in prison, Mental wards, This how Democrats win —CHEAT.

  6. why do you never show results cause your a Democrap also almost all democraps are followers 90 percent losers

  7. People are so stupid today. The Demogods would rather vote for someone who will give you “free” stuff with no thought to the fact that “free” isn’t “free “ and she promises to kill babies even after birth!!!! It’s a good thing she doesn’t have her own kids. Oh wait she probably doesn’t have any children because she killed them. She’s an evil witch who doesn’t care about anyone but herself. She’s trying to buy her way in. They would both be better suited to China or South American countries.

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