“The Washington Post” may have just thrown Kamala to the wolves with this jaw-dropping report

Just a few months ago, Democrats and their media allies were openly discussing whether Joe Biden should drop Kamala Harris since she is the least popular Vice President in modern history. But as soon as [...]


  1. Anyone who votes for a Democrat us voting to destroy America and the propaganda media can never be trusted ever again!

      • The problem is that the people even the people who vote Democrat don’t know 🤷
        That Kamala Harris who was never elected is so dumb and so far left to be considered
        Competent communist and that goes for walz also they are two of a kind and they would cause chaos
        In America with criminals being set free she was a hopeless in everything she has been
        And if she happens to be elected god help Americans she has already stated she will tax the middle class and she has been involved in the destruction and corruption and 13.5 trillion dept and she will
        Cause more inflation and a recession which will cause more problems such the $$ being devalued again 🤷

        • God help us all. If no one remembers what all news stations and publications were saying about her just a month ago. She had no votes and dropped out of the primary race.She changes everything she was for to go along with what she thinks will get her elected. Then will she change back ?? Most probably. Her choice as a running mate is a liar and a joke. If they are elected we are doomed.Our children are doomed.

      • I just have a problem believing much of anything any more. You can’t trust the government, the media, the white house. Even some people that you thought had some sense have proven not to be.

        • Isaiah 29:14 – what wisdom we thought we had is gone; what discernment we thought we possessed does not exist. We have equated ourselves, if not ‘usurped’ the Creator’s creation – us, telling Him, He didn’t understand what He was doing making us to begin with…then giving us the very world He created! Now look how messed up it is. The prophets of old, and the apostles of the first century have written – repent and hear the words of life in Jesus Christ, obeying His gospel. Herein, Judy is our true/living hope.

    • Totally agree.. elected officials have been totally liars like really bad last ten years. I’m switching over to the right party that stands for the right that our country was founded on. The games played by the left party I can’t stand for corruption put upon our country and the Democratic Party has not made any accomplishments for this country, taken our nation back to a forty year low history record.. I can’t stand for this failure..!!!

    • If any one votes for communism doesn’t need to live in United states.. These two are for communism agenda.
      Are life will be like living in hell. Kamala is lying to the people, her past was in communism, her father and mother was also.
      But what my research lead to, father was a avowed Marxist professor in Economics dept. At Stanford University both her parents were from Canada they had kamala, was Kamala born in Canada then her parents move to united states, this should be looked into.
      If she wasn’t born in United states this disqualifyed her from being United states citizen. To run for office, by the constitution,No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United states at the time of the Adoption of this constitution. Shall be eligible to the office of the President.
      Since they have never said she was born here.
      The parents came to United states, to become a citizen to get a job. I would like to see someone investgate her.and prove she was.

  2. major media is not any news reporting, just diaper changers for the democrats that are destroying America for china and iran any vote for any democrat is a vote to destroy America.  period

    • Well, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig! The nature of man has never changed. The Bible and other historical documents shows us this. All of our technology and so called “wisdom” has not changed, where is that tube of lipstick!!

    • The MSM is simply the Propaganda Arm of the DNC. An organization that would have made Herr Goebbels extremely proud!

  3. The democrat machine knew of Biden’s dementia in 2020. He never should have run in the first place. Shame on Dr Jill for embracing elder abuse on Joe.

      • I don’t trust the government and I don’t trust msm or any of the news outlets. All of them are liars! News has become nothing more than the opinion of the journalist/reporter.

    • Exactly! Even we, as citizens, knew that there was a problem. He was not capable of running this country and constantly got worse but he was “sharp as a tack”.

    • What is troubling is Kamala new Biden was ill.with dementia, she braged about how tough he is, good spirit, smart as a tack. Under that laugh of hers, she knew they were going to kick him out of office, this is how she worked it, just like she did in California, she like The mayor and the communist he hung around with. Thats how she got the job as DA, and e recommended her for AG, she played it so smart he bought her a BMW, did she ever claim she received a huge gift from a mayor in San Francisco, probably not.. They should investgate her, before if she becomes a president which I hope not, then we have to go into an inpeachment process.

      • Impeachment process? Maybe renunciation of citizenship and a move to Switzerland, Andorra, Santa Helena or………etc. Assisted suicide seems a bit extreme but…………..hey……………..

      • Sorry Alice says they knew Husain (Barrack)Obama wasn’t a American Citizen and they let him become a President of the United States for four years that’s when all this madness started
        so evidently that doesn’t matter anymore more!

    • Kamala Harris is not qualified to be the U.S. President. It is scary to consider her as Commander-In-Chief. With her at the helm, WWIII is just around the corner. Harris and the Democrats have had the Presidency 12 of the past 16 years. Except when President Trump brought a new vitality to the U.S., the U.S. has declined as a nation. With Harris as President, the American experiment in self government will be eroded grievously.

      • Obama’s bunch Trying to brong America down. Remember his pledge to substantially transform the country. The Democrats are built on hatred, of America, of conservatives, of Christians and ultimately I guess of everyone but themselves. Maybe themselves, too, at a deeper level.

        • Yeah. A fourth term for Obama would be ruinous for sure. The only time I ever saw Obama with a really genuine smile on his face was when he ,wife and family were visiting Indonesia. His distaste for the US from when he was a teenager Hawaii to his registration at the College of the Pacific as a “foreign student”to his choice of a spiritual leader who proclaimed: “I don’t say ‘God Bless America’ I say ‘God damn America'” bespeak of someone who would as soon destroy our precious USA by legal means as bringing about an attack by foreign states on our soil capable of arresting the great experiment of our nation begun in the 18th century.

  4. Kamala Harris should be discarded. There are very efficient and valuable and trustworthy persons are equally in the Democrat Party.
    We can not afford to place our country’s leadership in a very weak and more crooked than Hilary Clinton’s hand. The Democrat should have an open convention and select their candidate.

    • Was she born in the US. Her mother and father lived in Canada,did They show kamala a birth certificate or has Kamala just say she was born here.
      I want to see the real birth certificate. Not some phoney.
      This disqualifyed her from running for office.
      Here parents are Jamaican and India, they are from foreign country. Where is the big question. Its never been mentioned. Since both parents were not American citizens at the time she was born.this disqualifyed her according to our constitution, lets not have another Barack Hussein Obama lie on a birth certificate. We want to see a Natual Born citizen of the united states.

  5. When the hel! is someone going to bring out the fact that she is NOT a Natural born citizen and therefore can not be a president. She is an ” Anchor Baby ” Neither of her parents were citizens when she was born. She grew up in Canada. When she went to college her parents then moved back to the states. They had to get citizenship so they could get the jobs they wanted. Her parents are devote Marxists and in Jamaica her farther was a slave holder. All of these thing make her ” The Perfect Democrat”
    Plus she is a follower of that other fake pres Obama and follows his orders. He is her boss !!!!

    • She didn’t show any appearance of strength
      That the reason we ship her in your country
      Sorry for being so rude

      • You can have her ass back……no apology for being rude…..look I’ve done my research and my conclusion is under no circumstance could I vote for or support any “DemonCrat”for public office. I’m sure there are decent but delusional ones out there and if you’re reading this “open your eyes” and convert to Republican !!!!

  6. The U.S. Constitution reads, You must be a born American with American Citizen Parents.
    Not by Naturalization. Therefore, She should be “Disqualified “, PERIOD!!!

  7. Obummer could have been born in Kenya, not Hawaii. It took him far too long to cough up a birth certificate. Those in the know said it was the wrong color and style for Hawaii in 1961. If he wasn’t born here, then his presidency is illegitimate. But that’s a can of worms best left unopened. Having cackling Kammy for president is a terrifying thought. She’s an airhead, a liar and an idiot. She’s totally unqualified, just like Joe Biden.

  8. Kamala Harris you have a very important date so don’t be late to the “debate” since you weren’t elected by the people, Obama is your snake! Watch out for your ankles, he’ll strike your achilles and bring you down like the flip flopper that you are. If he did it to Biden he’ll do it to you! Since you are running on ‘women’s rights’ why do you wear high heels, you do know they are bad for your feet. You are such a hypocrite! My President Trump is going to have you feeling shorter than a street curb!

  9. Every lie she has told puts people’s lives in danger.I pray that every underhanded deed she & Walz have done will be brought to light so ALL of America know the truth that the Harris team will bring in Communistic government.

  10. Kamala is the worst thing that can happen in this country. She lies every time she opens her mouth. And you add Tim Walz and you see immediately how far left they would have us headed. We have not and will never accept being a communist country. We have to stand up now and make sure we don’t allow that to happen. President Trump is our way forward.

    • I agree about Harris. The Lord is our only hope and Trump has spoken out for Christians Kamala only wants to punish Christians for their beliefs and continue to kill innocent babies. That’s just evil.

  11. I really can’t believe that so many stupid people are still voting for the Harris/Walz lying team. It has been showed so many times that they are liars about everything they say and do. Now it’s coming out that Walz admires the CCP and used some of their tactics against his own people in Minnesota while Governor. A student has come forward to tell people that he has bought dozens of the Red Book of Mao to give away as “gifts”. He and his goofy wife should just move there and leave us alone!

  12. Our so-called American Constitution obeying government is GONE, mainly the Democrats, but their are plenty on the RePUSSYcan side also. This country is on the verge of losing our Republic altogether. The Senate has all the power and will only go after use conservatives. The Democrats / COMMUNIST Party has all the power to indict and they will never go after their own side. And it is shown every day. They have gone after Trump and his followers for nothing but BULLSH!T charges. When the Left has so many real CRIMES that no one is held accountable for. The biggest just came out. OUR own fbi forced FB to RIG the last two elections.

    • The election of 2020 was rigged. I could tell Joe Biden wasn’t all there. Yet people still voted for him to give the Obama’s a 3rd term by puppeting him. To me that seems treasonous. They knew he wasn’t capable of running as President. They gave almost destroyed America.
      I believe that’s what they want.

    • Those that are in office for a long time like Nancy Pelosi , Chuck Schumer, Nadler who sits on the judicial committee, and the old ones who have been there 40 years or more, and become so rich with chinese investments and so impress with communist china, like Tim Walz says he been there, taught school there,the loved the way the leaders treated him.
      He bought Communist RED books of Mao a communist leader.
      And Tim Walz brother doesn’t even talk to him in 8 years,he didn’t even know he was running For office and being chosen as VP.it seem these marxist democrates who are leaders of there pack. Who want to change America to what they want it to be equal like other countries, that was Obama saying also.
      He didn’t try hard enough because he was to busy making money for himself, he was a poor boy in his younger years. Until he became a worker For ACORN registered black to vote.he was a nobody then.
      Now he has three million dollars homes all over the place, just imagine in 8 years become millionair, looking down on his own people, and his wife who made a statement. Quote, This is the first time in my life I love America.
      Her first she said I hated America.they love it when they are making money, thats why you never see a democrate remove those who take advantage of the system and become rich.no one gets fired, Nancy see to that. She covers for them.
      She goes all out not to lose a democrate, they are above the law.

  13. She is evil and a liar vote trump!! Not even a natural born citizen . Also it is a no brainer. She isn’t smart enough to run the united States of America

  14. All of them have lied to the American people for years All Demo craps are liars, Starting with both Obama’s All the Biden’s plus Kamala Harris half the Senet All of the Dem congress.They have all lied so long its like a second nature.Vote for anybody just not a Democrap yes that is correct spelling they are all crap=shit

  15. Biden has been deteriorating for a long time and followed whatever his predecessor wanted, was done. Obama hates the USA and Biden wasn’t even oriented enough to know the country was being destroyed. With every speech he spoke multiple lies and Harris knew full well that he was not able to function satisfactorily for the past 3 3/4 years. She had her fun flying around the world at our expense and not having to do a darn thing for the USA besides destroying us. She is evil. Waltz is no better, Minnesota is a mess with all the illegals given licenses, they drive around like they own the place going through red lights and stop signs, never obeying the laws, but why should they they broke the laws of the USA by invading us, and then given free cell phones, food, lodging, clothing, jobs and prepaid credit cards on our tax dollar. It’s a real danger to drive in the areas where they are living they don’t care who gets killed or maimed.Harris will do just as she did in the past, if she is elected we are doomed!

  16. Reading all the comments above, I have to agree that a vote for this idiot Kamala is a vote for Bozo’s fourth term. Get a clue as a nation, the dimwit nitwits are not doing anything for the nation but a whole lot for themselves and that does include a lot of rinos similar to McCain.

    Had to laugh at the dimwit add against Kari Lake that was good for her. Loved it when she told any rino lovers for someone like McCain to get the hell out of her rally. Good Girl Kari, kick their asses in this election. KARI LAKE next senator for AZ. Rubin Gallego is just one more lying dimwit! Go TRUMP! Please clean out the agencies and the congress of the USA!

    Just vote this election. If you sit it out then don’t complain about the results. And do not believe any polls. The current poll takers are extremely biased and that shows in their results. Just vote and believe the country is aware of the dimwit nitwit’s army of fake news.

  17. I find it amazing that given their track record, so many people,cling to the Liberal Democrats. Time after time they make horrible decisions.

  18. The rationale behind the Democrat party continued support of Joe Biden is manifest: They did not and do not now have any other potential candidate in their party as good as Joe, probably not as smart (his family got rich), as good a speaker or as good a leader as Joe. He alone was generally popular with the Democrat voters. Look at the other failures: Buttigieg is a bad joke; Newsom and the California disaster; can you even listen to Pelosi or Warren? And the Border Tsar! – for whom nobody voted.

    • No I can’t they all come from the same mole, all as crookedness as hell.
      This is the way for them. Get what you can philosophy.
      There crooked. Its sick to hear and see what is going on,are country is going to hell if we don’t start getting Democrat’s out of office, they want to control everyone and everything. Our choice in this election is to vote these democrats out of office they have not improve from the last election. So its time to put them out in the pasture

  19. In Our Great Country we are, each and everyone of us, responsible for Our Actions and reap what we sow. Read and learn about Our Constitution and how we should apply it in our everyday lives. Hillsdale College is a good place to start this learning process. Education is Our friend and ally.

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