The Bishop who attacked Donald Trump just landed this sweet deal that will make your blood boil

Three Key Takeaways: Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde, known for using a prayer service to attack Donald Trump, has landed a lucrative book deal with Penguin Young Readers, aiming to reach America’s youth with a left-wing [...]


  1. She should be defrocked for being rewarded for being so woke She so disgraceful how can she preach to our children thanks

  2. we need to start Taxing ALL Religions and Churches, they are a BUSINESS and need to be taxed like all Business in the USA.

  3. Just another idiot to ignore – not buy her ‘books’ or let children read or know she exists- worthless! Parents educate your children on her garbage!

  4. Her behaviour and comments are inconsistent with Biblical Judaism and Christianity. Only God can judge her heart, but humanly speaking, I wouldn’t let her be a dog catcher! She will be held accountable for her errant teaching.

  5. Contact Penguin Young Readers and let them know that there is no way you are going to purchase their books. Also contact other parents and let them know also. Be civil aboutit.

  6. God has arranged a special place for those who bastardize his WORD, and it’s not heaven. That said, it will be even worse for those who maltreat children. “Bishop” beware.

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