The anti-Trump tirade that got this woke extremist college administrator fired will send a chill down your spine

Part of social media’s undeniable magic is the unfiltered access normal Americans have to the deranged rantings of woke Democrats. The unhinged ravings of egomaniacal leftists reveal each day just how evil the so-called party [...]


  1. partu (…) has moved to the far left. The entire Democratic party has been lying for four years about how good Joe Biden has been when its now revealed he is half brain dead, 40% of hime in office has been on vacation (He’s on another in St. Croix USVI at the moment.) If WOKE/DEI/BLM/LGBTQ… don’t get their ways they throw tantrums like kindergardeners arguing about who got what flavor ice cream on a hot day and who didn’t. Its mindboggling that they have managed to lower themselves down lower in the last 4 years than ever before as well as dragged the Democrtic Party to the point it may just disappear in the next election because most Americans do not beleive in or support the antics of the clowns who thing they know it all. Of course they will be the first ones to run if the question came down to “…Ask what you can do for your country”.

  2. i don’t know but maybe this oregon professor should take his own advice. i’m just sying telling people they should commit suicide is pretty low but that is to be expected from the loonie democrooks. no one should ever tell someone to kill themselves, i never thought i would ever see this country get this crazy!! F the democrooks!!

  3. What is so scary is that this unhinged nutcase was dealing with college students for years. He should do work picking up garbage not working in a university setting. We can only hope that he doesn’t find a job around children again.

  4. SHOULD PULL HIS CREDENTIALS SO THAT HE COULD NEVER TEACH IN ANY SCHOOL AGAIN. THAT kind of attitude is just plain dangerous to all humanity.

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