Social media went bananas when the ghost of this Biden-Harris regime victim popped up at Kamala’s concession speech

Kamala Harris finally came out of hiding on Wednesday to concede that Donald Trump had easily defeated her in the 2024 Presidential election. Even many Republicans were eager to hear what she had to say [...]


  1. the people who did this has deprived P’nut of his life, his caretaker of his antics and ALL of his fans of the JOY of seeing his videos. NEVER will there be justice for that despicable act and horrible person who reported his presence in the home. i use my words carefully because you cannot “own” a squirrel, they come and go as they please unless they are caged . from what i saw he was not caged 24/7

  2. Reminds us of this KamalToe quote caught on videos: “… just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs,” Harris told reporters.

  3. rest in peace Peanut! you would have done a better job at running the country than dingbat and knucklehead!! F the democrooks!!!

  4. P’nut wasn’t caged, nor Fred, they were both loved and cared for endlessly, my heart breaks for them all ,what a horrible human, to do this a helpless animal, I’d say return the same to them, but death is not enough for the people who carried out this heinous act. God is with P’nut and Fred now, never to suffer again. However the healing for the pet parents has only just begun. May God bless you all, and help you heal. RIP P’nut n Fred 🙏

    • I totally agree with you. I just bought a tee shirt from Patriot Depot that has Peanut in a MAGA hat and the tee shirt says Justice for Peanut. Peanut holds a sign that reads, “My Life Mattered”. He has the sweetest face. patriot

  5. NY start a recall on that asshole NY governor Kathy ass that is number one. Start a major lawsuit against every agency involved in this illegal case. Ever person involved in this case should be fired this is government abuse.
    And it starts at the very top of the political chain. NY is a disgrace and it’s government official are corrupt.
    It’s time to fire and remove these democrats that think they have all the power to do anything they want.

    • That is a hard hill to climb and I wish you luck. I left NY 27 years ago, because I saw the hand writing on the wall. I now live in a state where the rats aren’t welcome!

  6. The couple had an animal rescue operation so they had to have a license so those Animal Control agents had no standing. If the squirrel was a house pet there was no chance of getting rabies. The couple should sue for damages.

  7. I’ve had to deal with a horrible person who worked for Animal Control in Central Illinois. The sheriff’s department hated him because he thought he had more power than any legal authority. He was so terrible that even his own family members didn’t want to be around him. Some people try to take power wherever they can.

  8. Those idiots that did that should be fired of course it was Democrats ! Who else would kill p’nut but A deranged Democrat ! . I’m so glad that the Biden/Harris clan will be getting there asses out of the white house and someone going in who loves America and it’s people and puts America first.Trump !the best there is for office. Harris can be a sore loser who the hell cares if she had of won this country would fall under four more years of Democrats control. So love all the people for being smart and voting for DJT . America can live on. Again those low life dem-o-craps who killed pNut needs to be hang by there toes.

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