Russia is allegedly threatening to deploy this crippling attack against America without ever firing a single shot

Tensions between the United States and Russia are at their highest level since the Cold War. That’s put the world on pins and needles, bracing for the worst as the conflict has only been escalated [...]


  1. Can’t blame Russia for accusing USA of likely to cut cables again since evil liar criminal murderer Jokementia has already done it before… and lied about it!

  2. We, the USA, are NOT the world’s cop! We are NOT involved in that war that resulted from the collapse of the Soviet Union and should NOT be funding one side of it.

    Get OUT and stay OUT.

    • But we were involved in the collapse of the Soviet Union, in fact it was the Reagan administration that ramped up the arms race that the Soviets attempted (unsuccessfully)to match which basically bankrupted them.

  3. That has always been are weak spot! Too many of us rely on internet. We as Americans wouldn’t be able to survive with out it. Our children can’t even count change without the cash register telling how much to return!!

  4. I think the Democrats and the Biden administration with George soros should be in prison for what they have done to try destroy the American people!

  5. Yes, we should be really concerned about the possibility of RUSSIA cutting the underwater cables. We should blame the Biden Administration for what they have done to provide Ukraine U.S. missiles to Ukraine to bomb Russia!

    • Watch Tucker interview with Lee Greenwold. They discuss this. It’s not as simple as it sounds. So horrible…Biden is just the puppet…it’s the likes of Obama and Soros in the driver’s seat.

  6. It seems to me a lot of our money that could be used to help America and Americans goes to foreign countries so they can fight wars let them fight their own wars if that’s what they want now we’re giving long-range weapons to Ukraine and telling them it’s okay go ahead launch them at Russia if you want isn’t that just like us launching them at Russia

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