Robert Kennedy Jr. blew the lid on America’s COVID death count with 12 words that were scary as hell
Democrats drilled Robert Kennedy Jr. on Wednesday during his confirmation hearing to be Trump’s Secretary of Health and Human Services. Many Democrats particularly took issue with some of Kennedy’s previous statements about COVID. But Robert [...]
Robert Kennedy jr. brain🤯is fried he was a heroin addict for14years!do not believe anything he says!
Unfortunately for you mainstream media believers, RFK, Jr. is FAR from being the only one who knows these things. Numerous medical professionals know the truth about them, and had great success fighting COVID independent of the NIH/Fauci-mandated “protocols,” mainly due to the lack of safety of the “vaccine” that ISN’T a vaccine, bur merely a shot of questionable substances that ended up causing a myriad problems and millions of deaths. Funeral embalmers came forward, talking about what they found in all of those who had received the COVID vaccines, that they had never seen before this. If you were informed about them, you’d know what we’re talking about, ut the MSM wasn’t allowed to talk about that. RFK is spot on about these issues. Just because he’s not part of the FDA/big pharma/health insurance sector, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know what e’s talking about. He’s won numerous lawsuits on these points. “Healthcare” involves much more than just “medicine.” In fact, medical doctors receive very little instruction on nutrition during all their time in medical school. Most of it involves writing prescriptions, as admitted by numerous medical doctors, which is scary.
Wow…so in the know. May I ask as to where you received your medical degree?
@Jim In comparison to his former Democrat (Richard or is it Rachel Levine?) counterpart, a man who became a woman in order to exploit ‘his’ position, you will have an EXTREMELY hard time convincing me and most others with a thinking brain, that RFK unable, incompetent, unreliable, or a liar. Some of us have known of him since childhood and have a pretty good idea of his character.
Richard/Rachel Lavine is overweight, unfit and even LOOKS unhealthy and I’m guessing YOU didn’t have a problem with that?
Democrats/LameStreamMisleadia FAKE NEWS LIARS are still so stupid they don’t realize most of us KNOW THEY ARE LYING TO US !!! And they will CONTINUE TO FAIL !!! We will never give them another penny!
Some Democrats will vote for RFK Jr. hoping he is still a bit of a ‘Kennedy/Democrat’ spy inside the Trump organization… but Trump also knows that and will limit what he can see and do…
Glad to see RFK Jr. and John Kennedy showing the other Kennedys that it’s OK to LEAVE the evil lying corrupt criminal murdering USA-hating Democrats’ Party/Liars!
democrats supported the germ weapon used in covid 19 and used American tax dollars to create it.
any vote for any democrat for any office is a vote to destroy America.
The real issue is that more Democrat Senators are supported for re-election by Big Pharma. These Senators receive anywhere from 250,000 dollars to 350,000 dollars from Big Pharma. Allowing Bobby in, would cost these Democrats to lose that donation for their support. They have a conflict of interest voting on Bobby Kennedy. Sen. Cassidy of Louisiana is also a big recipient of massive amounts of Big Pharma too, although he is a Republican, but he has stated he will vote for Kennedy. This may be because he knows of two or three Republicans that plan on voting Kennedy down. We will have to wait and see which ofifnot all Democrats vote opposing Kennedy for the post.
We need RFK JR. In cause he is the only person who well go up against Big Pharma and the dirty food company’s. Are food is not safe it’s full of poison that needs out and RFK will get it out. And Big Pharma is not putting out the medicine that well care illness’s cause they want us to stay sick more money for the money hungry giants. I hope and pray that they will vote RFK JR. In. America needs to be healthy again.
Well said. I pray every night that Bobby is voted in he is our only hope. Wake up people
Finally, we need someone who Cares about the Health of Americans. Too Many food companies have been putting too much Crap in our foods for Tooooooo Long!
I believe that Bobby should be voted in. He is not a coward and can ask the tough questions.
Reduce the population was the or still is a Plan.