Peter Doocy issued a surprising warning to Donald Trump about the TikTok ban

With nearly 1.6 billion active monthly users, TikTok is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. But Joe Biden signed a bill into law that will ban TikTok in the U.S. [...]


  1. It’s always been known that the CCP controls everything on TikTok no matter what the dip shit in America says. It’s time that we took control back from China and kicked them out of our country and government. Plus I don’t like the shit that is being spewed out to our brain dead kids.

    • Really? China does care about it! They use your ID to spy on you! Now everything you do and there could be a listening advice in your cellphone. Technology is always improving way to find out thing other people and countries are doing! How do you think terrorists know so much about what going on in America?

  2. I am against China owning anything that can access information, private or other in the U.S. and even all the land they have bought needs to be seized back. We do not need the Chinese I do NOT care what anyone thinks otherwise. This country and government had gotten way too dependent on foreign nations to provide what we could be providing at home if employers were not so greedy that they do not want to pay decent wages. They would rather pay slave labor pennies to foreign countries so they can pocket more and have more fancy homes and cars. I do not use that app and never will as I do not want anything supplied from China.

    • Blame the democrats party! Since Clinton was president they seem to be In bed with the Chinese government! I say it again THAT WAS THE FIRST TREASONOUS COMMIT BY AN AMERICAN PRESIDENT! Clinton LIE ABOUT OUR NUCLEAR WEAPONS BLUEPRINT! HE GAVE IT TO CHINA! Now they figure out how to point their NUCLEAR bomb at America.

  3. Kevin O’Leary is talking about possibly buying TT USA. Maybe the new name will be Tok Tik (lol). If Trump is really softening his position, it means he has a reason, and how many users know or care who owns it?

  4. i do think that CCP monitors TikTok to some extent but it is not as much as they monitor Temu. i would like to see it sold to an American. a lot of people use it as an information source to learn about different things of interest.

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