Pete Hegseth joined one fight that let Democrats know it was a whole new ballgame
Pete Hegseth is shaking things up as Secretary of Defense. He made a big impact in a place no one expected. And Pete Hegseth joined one fight that let Democrats know it was a whole [...]
I would prefer to see Our Military defending Our border than defending a conflict that has no effect to the US,other a financial profit to ammunnition profiteer
We should have shot every one that crossed our border that would have been the best deterent from the very first one. Anyone who came here illegally no matter how many decades ago needs to be deported now even if they were made American citiens. This wasna mistake letting them in here. Time to fix those mistakes
Declare “open season” on cartel slime pushing their invaders across the U.S. border for profit. Make the cost in cartel lives too high for them to want to continue. All year season, no bag limits. Good Hunting!!
Without borders we are not a nation but a walk thorough!
I still think a 24 hour class and get a bounty hunter permit to round up illegals. 2k for each one brought in. Cheap and effective.
Yes we need them to secure our border. While border wall being install. We need to protect our border.