Nancy Pelosi can’t seem to keep her story straight on her role in Democrat elites’ coup against Joe Biden

Nancy Pelosi went off the deep end years ago.  It seems as though she’s incapable of keeping track of her lies from one day to the next. And now Nancy Pelosi can’t seem to keep [...]


  1. Her hate for Trump is so off the page! She and Lisa Chaney
    Are a pair of very infilled women. They blame the strong men who are around them for their misery! They both need to get a life outside of government because they BBC are so hatful they cannot look at an issue with logic and make an intelligent decision for the people! Just go!

  2. The important thing is democrats did orchestrate coup – a coup like other countries where people lost control of their governments! Wake up America! Vote out all democrats!

  3. More like; Obsessive Compulsive Vile Repulsivity! Ms P., has the most violent aggression, towards anyone she Resents & Detests basically for the Show, not the Showmanship! She gives off Demonic Bursts of the Contempt that she cannot control; because of her Stance, of Showing off “The Dual” as if she were Fencing with Swords, to these Opponents. Because I believe Obama gives her Kudos for her Show of Strength and Audacity. Same as the time her Neglected to stop herself from Flying over to Taiwan, when China Threatened to blow her plane to Smitherenes, (she could started the Nuclear War) that Showed the U.S. (we the people) where her loyalties were tied, yeah; to her “EGO”! Not to anyone else on this Planet! She is the most Dangerous person, besides Obama & Gates & Soros! Heaven help U.S.!

  4. I think Pelosi is the worst of the less than honorable Democrats and that’s saying a lot! She seems like the witch in the horror movies.

  5. She’s too old like Biden is ,and she lie’s so much she can’t keep her stories straight .Need to get rid of people over 75 years of age

  6. Crazy old hag should have been booted out of congress years ago! She is a backstabbing traitor, a liar and conniver! She follows the Soros/Obama agenda to destroy our country. SHE orchestrated the j6 “ insurrection” in order to impeach Trump! She should be brought up on charges of sedition, failure to protect our country and falsely charging Trump for what SHE did, include traitor Lizzybut Cheyney, Kitzinger, and others. The j6 crap was HER doing, NOT Trump’s. Get the old drunk OUT!

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