Mexican drug cartels are doing a happy dance over the leaving office present Joe Biden just gave them
There is no doubt that Joe Biden was the best friend of Mexican criminals during his failed term in office. The disgraced Democrat put the needs of foreigners who traffic people and drugs over [...]
Jokementia would weaken cigarettes but no problem with fentanyl laced cocaine/heroine???
Make sure TRUMP wears a bullet proof vest at all times. We don’t want to lose him !
Trump is the best thing that ever happened to our country ! I am 95 years old and we need him !
Hope I live that long, David
Biden is such a piece of shit. I don’t like cigarettes but I know that you can’t do stupid things like Biden just did. Hopefully Trump can undo that. Of course brain dead Biden just said that he signed the ERA into law. He can’t do that. That died decades ago. What a moron.
According to Dr. Bryan Ardis, nicotine is very good for all of us. He stated that nicotine is in various veggies such as eggplant, green and red tomatoes, cauliflower and more. He advised patients that are sick with various ailments to use the nicotine gum or patches (via his instructions) His revelataion is so interesting! Even helps those who took the bio-weapon vax & all of us exposed to shedding. The cigarettes have other chemicals causing addiction, but it is not the tobacco itself nor the nicotine. Google him and look into it for yourself. Blessings!!