Megyn Kelly referred to Donald Trump’s attack on Taylor Swift with one word that caught her listeners by surprise

Pop star Taylor Swift is the most famous woman on the planet. But Donald Trump had nothing nice to say about her after she endorsed Kamala Harris. And Megyn Kelly referred to Donald Trump’s attack [...]


  1. Let Taylor pay for these surgeries, should think before she indorced Harris,leave the kids alone,not hers to change,,if Taylor want to cut up kids she should have a few to throw into Harris mix

    • Endorsements have no effect on who I vote for… the only endorsement that might matter is RFK Jr. showed it was OK for a ‘Kennedy’ / Democrat to be for Trump…

  2. Just because someone is rich and famous doesn’t necessarily mean they have brains. Take Taylor for example. Obviously very stupid and retarded. You can be a pretty female and be a complete moron at the same time which is the case here. And just because you have money doesn’t mean anybody should listen to you’re “opinion” or even care what you have to say. Taylor Swift, SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE!

    • We can know simply tar Taylor Swift as a SUPPORTER of evil Democrats’ beloved junkies CRIME WAVE of 75+ MURDERS DAILY, 200+ O D DEATHS DAILY, 1,000+ KNIFINGS/SHOOTINGS DAILY, and a MILLION+ OTHER DAILY CRIMES !!! Plus all other Democrat evils…

    • Taylor Swift is an example of a “grown-up” who’s never actually GROWN UP. She’s also not the musical genius too many people tout her to be. Her music is only marginal at best, and all the lyrics to her early songs about all her “exes” were so “junior-high” and predictable in their content, they’re typical of today’s clueless young people. “I did this, and you did that.” If you hear one of them, you’ve heard them all! Her newer music is slightly better, but nothing to scream about. (I say all the foregoing as someone who studied voice in Hollywood for four years.)

      Only Taylor Swift and her clueless followers believe she has a massive effect on the election. She has the same right to vote for the candidate of her choice as anyone else, but there’s no reason she should be endorsing anyone, since she’s not an expert on politics, government, or the history and Constitution of the United States, and therefore doesn’t know how our government is supposed to work. This election isn’t a popularity contest; it’s about choosing the person most likely to do what’s needed to protect the country as a whole, and not perks for a few special-interest groups.

  3. Taylor has made a decent football player famous and richer, so let us conclude that
    her opinion on ALL topics invaluable.
    This does not include the possibility that she is dumber than Kamela, which is a
    difficult accomplishment.

    • well spoken. l really cannot understand the generation of the younger people nowadays and the way they think.

  4. Taylor, Taylor, Taylor: Our current VP running for president, Kamala Harris is OK with murdering God’s Images & cutting of baby boys’ private parts! I want to go to Heaven; I don’t know about you. I don’t think that God is happy with this! Vote Life! Vote Trump!

  5. Don’t like her music, but stick with it, stay out of politics! Your image now is a great disappointment‼️🤮

  6. If you want to vote for Commies go ahead; it’s yours and everyone else’s gloom and doom. Just because Camela humped herself to the top of the dung pile doesn’t mean she is qualified to be POTUS.

  7. Taylor’s warrior-picking skills are sorely lacking. Bandwagoners are not warriors.
    A “steady-handed gifted leader?” Kamala? Really? And the “valor-stealing” Walz?
    TS could take some “warrior-picking” lessons from Brittany Mahomes, who knows how to separate the wheat from the chaff. She knows how to pick a real warrior when she sees one. She did! Both times!

  8. I see they must be censoring me again. I just made a long message that never got posted. So I’ll try again. You see I’m paralyzed from the chest down and I don’t have anything else to do. So I’m trying to let all the people I can about the lies that all the Democrats which I call Dumbycrats. Them and the rich people in the world which includes every banker in the world. They all got together just before the Covid pandemic and came up with digital currency scam to get control of everyone’s money and wealth. Continue in next post.

    • Ok they let that post go through. Next post. What the people in the world don’t know is the Covid virus was made by that worthless Dr Anthony Falciy the man that killed millions of people in the world with the help of Obama , Biden and the Dumbycrats and Chinese the people Obama payed millions of our tax payers money. The reason they’re Trying to turn all of our children into transgenders is it sterilizes the children . They are trying to control the population of the world. These Doctors and the Dumbycrats are nothing but butchers that don’t believe in God. Just look at the world today. And don’t believe anything that the tv stations or the media their all in on this. If you don’t believe me research it for yourself. And God Bless everyone that reads my posts. And vote for Republicans on everything we have to save America then help the world after we save America. I’ll be making posts until they shut me down. God Bless America

      • The digital currency is just a way to control us . If you don’t do what they say all they have to do is push a button and poof you don’t have any money anymore it goes into their accounts . Look at Canada when Covid started. The truckers in Canada were convoying in revolt of the restrictions and their government closed their accounts so they couldn’t buy fuel for their trucks and the Canadians has been complaining ever since. That’s because they have a Dictator running their country. And that’s what the Dumbycrats are trying to do with the United States . Just look right now they have a law for them and a law for us and their above all laws. That’s all congress with the Dumbycrats in control is make up laws that only benefit them and their rich friends. Their so corrupt it’s
        Sickening we need a term limits on all politicians that would keep them from getting so corrupt. Look how much richer they have gotten and their families and friends. That’s because they know ahead of time what’s going to happen. Look at Nancy Pelouzi her husband has cashed in millions of stocks this last year. At the first of the year he cashed in 80 some millions of stocks and now another million on the Visa card or deal. And that other eighty some year old senator from California that died I can’t remember her name she cashed in 280 some millions in on stocks just before she died. But it’s not just the Dumbycrats there is the rinos and other republicans that are doing it to. Are government is corrupted to the core. We need term limits and elect honest people if we can find some. The problem is just about all the politicians are lawyers so they use words that we don’t understand. So we need people that can use words that a normal person can understand. You don’t need a college degree to be a politician you just need common sense and a good heart. I know I could do the job better than any of them.

      • You are so right, Obama gave Fauci 17 million dollars to give to the Laboratories in Chine that created this virus,which was let loose in American and the world..They want to contol the polulation. Anybody that has kept up on this since Covid began will find out how evil Fauci and his cohorts are.

  9. She is not even worthy of a reply or my time, I will say what my Dad always said to me, hate is a harsh statement, only use it when someone hurts you or your family physically. You are free to dislike anybody you want, but I say sticks n stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me. The best way to punish them is be the bigger person, and ignore their ignorance, other wise you bring attention to someone who doesn’t deserve it. God bless President Trump, his family and the same to JD Vance and his family, but especially God bless the USA, and those so horribly hit by hurricane Helene, keep them in your prayers, and help if you can.

  10. Let be real who really cares what a BILLIONARE thinks. She has made a ton of money and sure that she is going to more than happy to give more of it to the government. I think we should publish her taxes just like they did to TRUMP. I’m sure her boy friend will be more than happy to give even more of his money to the IRS. They both are not very smart people. When the NFL goes under her boy friend will be broke.

  11. Let be real who really cares what a BILLIONARE thinks. She has made a ton of money and sure that she is going to more than happy to give more of it to the government. I think we should publish her taxes just like they did to TRUMP. I’m sure her boy friend will be more than happy to give even more of his money to the IRS. They both are not very smart people. When the NFL goes under her boy friend will be broke. Let be real who really cares what a BILLIONARE thinks. She has made a ton of money and sure that she is going to more than happy to give more of it to the government. I think we should publish her taxes just like they did to TRUMP. I’m sure her boy friend will be more than happy to give even more of his money to the IRS. They both are not very smart people. When the NFL goes under her boy friend will be broke. Let be real who really cares what a BILLIONARE thinks. She has made a ton of money and sure that she is going to more than happy to give more of it to the government. I think we should publish her taxes just like they did to TRUMP. I’m sure her boy friend will be more than happy to give even more of his money to the IRS. They both are not very smart people. When the NFL goes under her boy friend will be broke.

  12. Great comments, I agree with them and am proud that so many people are not influenced by a rich, stupid person that thinks she is special and believes that anyone cares what she thinks!

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