Mark Zuckerberg just admitted the one thing that could mean the end for Kamala Harris

We now know that Democrats’ weaponized government and their Big Tech and media allies colluded to interfere in American elections. But as each day passes, it seems to get worse and worse. And Mark Zuckerberg [...]


  1. Zuke is one of the worst out there and right along with the dirty Dem’s. They have played us like we are fools, and really think we have been stupid. Time for all of them to be behind bars and paying for what they have done to this country. Enough of their lies and we all know Trump WON the 2020 election.

  2. He knew that it was wrong to do what he did, but he did it anyway! He should have been punished for what he did! I still do think he will do it again during this next election in November 2024. That’s just what he is and what he does.

    • I don’t think he deserves a second chance look at the shape America is lawsness in some major, illegal immigration at new time high, the economy is in the toilet, has and groceries in many staple items double. The U S is involved deep in ears throughout the world. It is because Of Biden-Harris…..

  3. It’s nice to hear Mark Zuckerberg finally admit that he helped steal our – 75 million Republicans – victory and put the mentally ill, feeble-minded Biden in the presidential seat and the chicken-brained communist Kamala Harris in the vice-presidency. But how do we get America out of the swamp where these morons have dragged our country? Does Zuckerberg have an answer?

  4. I have followed the lawlessness of the democratic party for decades and know that this vile party has and will do anything to obtain power. Zuckerburg is just snother pawn im their game to win at all costs.

  5. He got caught. Simple as that. He won’t make that mistake again. Not the interfering again. The getting caught part

  6. He’s lying, because I and some of my relatives are STILL having some of our harmless memes “fact-checked” and deleted, and I know no liberals are having the same things done, because I’ve NEVER heard ONE of them complain about it.

  7. He thinks his billions will shield him from treasonous activities. So far nothing is being done about it. He may do it again…. in 2024!

  8. The way I see it, after what happened with the voting machines in Arizona’s last election, we must get rid of ALL the machines and return to the old fashioned paper ballots and hand counting! NOW!! This should be done until illegals and zombies are purged from the polling lists of ELIGIBLE voters!! When we get a Voter Photo ID, this will go a long way to helping with this illegal voting problem.
    Until such time that this has been completed, we should have I.C.E., IN FULL UNIFORM, standing by problem polling places with a big Deportation Van parked nearby with the I.C.E. emblem boldly displayed on it! A big sign posted nearby (in different languages) citing penalties for illegal voting, plus the fact that illegal immigrants/refugees AND THEIR FAMILIES would immediately be deported when caught! Watch the illegal voters sneak off and disappear! This should deter a lot of fraudulent voting. Red Tsunami predicted for sure!! NCSWIC – Nothing!

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