Lindsey Graham and Nikki Haley shared a campaign tip with Donald Trump that put jaws on the floor

Lindsey Graham and Nikki Haley represent the ruling class RINO establishment that puts America Last. But even a broken clock is right twice each day. And Lindsey Graham and Nikki Haley shared a campaign tip [...]


  1. Donald needs to be softer on people to get along etc. Helping your neighbor etc.
    And tell what policies he has and how to go about making them work.
    The Dems did a good job with that last night. Donald show your softer caring side at times, but when you need to be tough don’t call names and make nasties. American people Prefer what George H.W. Bush went with, though the media and a lot of the
    violent movies and TV shows push the opposite. Then the stars like George Clooney
    and others who make money from the violent shows put Trum down.
    Be your family and neighbor loving self to get further. Talk with the people, not at them.

    • DJT — Needs to continue hammering home the ECONOMY, THE BORDER, & DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA WITH THE GREEN NEW DEAL. I could care less about how dumb she is.. that becomes quite obvious when she opens her mouth! We need to call her on policy and substance – Because the GND isn’t about Global warming *(another big crock of bull!) It’s about CONTROL. Control where you live, how much you make, where you can go on vacations, who you can associate with etc. Once they control your revenue, they control you…. Bidenomics has destroyed our buying power! And fixing prices is the road to financial disaster, shortages, etc. (May I remind you of the Carter Gas rationing days??!!) NO PRES. TRUMP – to hell with being gentler or being a ‘nice guy’!!! Nice Guys get stepped on!!! You are not a sheep you are a WOLF!! GO FOR IT!!! We back you 10,000%. Save the country and drive those things home and for God’s sake tell Lindsey Graham and Nikki Hayley to go pound sand!! I will say it .. they are both RINO f##KS and they only look out for their own bellies!!! Career politicians in on the take through insider trading becoming Billionaires on the backs of hard working American patriots.

    • where have you been?
      You are spending too much time listening to Fake News networks.
      What you are saying could not be further from the truth about President Trump

  2. Suggestion for Trump quit coming across as a bully – talk to people as if you were speaking to your wife – quite with the names and explain your policies – tell the folks your vision for the future – confront Kamala with a comparison of policies – thank her for realizing your policies have merit and understand her parroting them – stop trying to one up her as her policies will fail just make sure voters know what your plans are for our Republic

    • Trump isn’t a bully…he’s a very polite man that tells the truth…if it hurts your feelings then his job was accomplished…truth hurts when it’s right….honesty is the best policy…

  3. Listen to Nikki Haley and Lindsey Graham no name calling no one cares about crowd size. Stick to your policies compared to their policies that are going to ruin this country. You need to impress the independent voters and ones on the edge. You do not have ti impress Trump voters they are already going to vote for you. Stay focused on the issues that matter most.

  4. I agree with Haley and graham but the dems did a horrific bashing job on trump at the dnc. All of the dems. In fact if they weren’t bashing trump. They had nothing to talk about except promises they can’t fulfill.

    • agree, talk about your policies and issues that matter. Crowd size and race issues don’t get it!

  5. Mr./President Trump,
    Please campaign on the policies needed to bring our America back to the front of the world economy and world standings. Let Harris dig her own pit, even many of the democrat leaderships are not fully onboard with her.

    • Isn’t that what President Trump is doing?
      Your post makes zero sense based on what I am seeing

  6. I only PARTIALLY agree with those 2. I think our President should BE HIMSELF!!! He IS the ONLY one who can fix this mess the dimocrats made and FIX OUR STANDING in the World. Let Donald be DONALD TRUMP!! He will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

    • He can be himself without calling names, rude remarks, he is a very nice person himself, so he can win being himself but he must let the past go and constantrate on the future as President and get our country great again. That was when the other countries was mostly our allies and not enemies. JUST BE PRESIDENTIAL AND NOT LOW LIFE LIKE THE OTHER SIDE TRYING TO KEEP YOU OUT OF THE WH. We, your followes want you to win, so please do what you really know is best for our country & real citizens.

    • Please let the people know how Harris will make sure the Middle Class will end up loosing Everything if She Wins!! She’s a Big talker, but in the End We as the Middle Class Always get SCREWED! Take the Big corporations down, who do YOU work for, WE are the ones that pay More Taxes! Give the poor More Money, Middle Class pay More Money! Small companies can’t afford to pay higher wages OR TAXES!! Before Long, WE ALL WILL BE RELYING ON THE GOVERNMENT TO TAKE CARE OF US!! That is what THEY Want! Not in America!! 😡

  7. He needs to prove that he can get his hands dirty and sweat. Join a Habitat for humanity group and swing a hammer. Harris’ idea of 25,000 to new homeowners will add
    more debt. Jimmy’s idea to volunteer the work is a better idea. That would prove that
    Trump can be bipartisan, since Jimmy is a Democrat.

  8. I think Trump has so much ammunition againt Harris and he should use it. Talk about the issues. Don’t do any name calling. Act Presidential.Trumpo has done so much for this country and Biden/Harris have ownly torn it down. That is what is needed to be brought out over and over and over again

  9. President Trump needs to keep pointing out that the things that the democrats want to do should have already been done. For God’s sake the Democrats won the last election their in charge,they can get rid of alot of those executive orders if they wanted to

  10. Dear President Trump
    Please concentrate on America & do what you did in your first term. Forget about adjectives for Kamala, as we know she is nothing & never has been.
    GO TRUMP, We need tou badly !!!

  11. PLEASE talk about POLICIES, President Trump! Harris’s “policies” are out of the Communist “playbook” and will destroy our nation. Focus on that! Forget her race. Forget name-calling. Focus on her FAILED RECORD! Lindsey & Haley offered good advice– listen to it. We MUST WIN! MAGA!!!

  12. If I could speak personally with President Trump, I would ask him why he feels he needs to be the school yard bully. She’s a “prosecutor” and used to bullies. As for myself & others who I know, we just want/need you to focus strictly on your policy. Going to a grocery store was a great idea because there you are speaking my language. Grocery prices, gas, immigration, crime, electricity, clothes, cars, insurance, etc are where/what Americans want/need you to address policies on those issues. We already know about her.

  13. We know what she is and what she’s capable of. We want to hear how your policies can get us out of this mess. We need leadership not bullies. I’m sick of the the childish behavior. show us what politics are really about. We need stability.

  14. Listen to your supporters and focus on what you are going to do to get our country back. Don’t even think of name calling that’s what they want you to do so you will look bad you too good for that.

  15. Donald Trump feels just like Kamala’s own Father, who said Kamala is “Evil”! But the main thing for Mr. Trump to concentrate on is letting Voters know what “She” plans to do if elected and what He Will do if he is President again! Voters need to be assured that things Will improve for them in all areas, when He becomes our President, again.

  16. We need to drop our egos, and focus on the policies you will implement now and have done in the past Mr. President. She cannot beat you on policies as she has none, and ones she won’t talk about are commie policies she seems to be getting advice from other communist leaders.

  17. We need to drop our egos, and focus on the policies you will implement now and have done in the past Mr. President. She cannot beat you on policies as she has none, and ones she won’t talk about are commie policies she seems to be getting advice from other communist leaders.

  18. Trump need to say what he is going for the American people. We see and we hear what has happen to we fo not need it from u every day. You need to off beating a dead horse and tell what you are going to for America to make America great again.

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