Laura Ingraham was horrified to learn one dark truth about the second attempt on Donald Trump’s life

Multiple assassins have tried to murder Donald Trump. The threats are only multiplying. And Laura Ingraham was horrified to learn one dark truth about the second attempt on Donald Trump’s life. Iran plots to kill [...]


  1. The Democrats would love nothing more that to get rid of Donald Trump as he is a threat to them. They are weak, corrupt and evil. Their policies have weakened America’s standing and have strengthened our enemies. Trump is the epitome of a true leader who genuinely loves America and will fight for it’s citizens. America should be proud of him and support him all the way back to the White House!!!

  2. God forbid that this ever happen to any presidential candidate of any party here in the US. We know the line of succesion if it happened on a sitting president. In a case where the nominee of a political party dies or is killed, who would be his or her succesor? In the case at hand, the VP nominee?

  3. President Biden needs to give President Trump more & better protection from the Secret Service. Because now President Trump is also having threats from Iranian Government to kill President Trump . More can be done and should be done to protecting President Trump . President Biden can at least put sanctions back on Iran , take their money away from them to also give Israel relief on the wars caused by President Biden did by taken away sanctions that President Trump put in place so Iran could not fund their Terrorist Organizations in the Middle East. President Biden took off the sanctions, look at all of the wars Biden funded by taken away President Trumps sanctions. This is one of the biggest mistakes by the President Biden Administration.

  4. The quote “Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely” is attributed to the nineteenth-century British historian Lord Acton. It conveys the idea that as a person’s power increases, their moral sense diminishes12.

  5. Iran doesn’t want to lose the money they get from biden/harris so they will try to take out Trump evidently with b/h approval… democrats are so corrupt anymore they are for everyone but the American Citizens!!

  6. When the Dems labeled Trump and his supporters a “basket of deplorables,” they should have been pointing that finger the other way. The corruption by them is absolutely outrageous, and no one is being held accountable. I agree with Jean about Iran.

  7. I agree with everyone that say’s its the democrats fault. For everything that is backwards and wrong in America. May the Lord bless and protect President Trump. In Jesus name. Amen

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