Kate Middleton just made an announcement that has millions breathing a sigh of relief

A shadow looms over Buckingham Palace after King Charles III and Princess Catherine of Wales announced cancer diagnoses earlier this year.  These horrifying prognoses have put the future of the British royal family in doubt, [...]


  1. I am praying to God that He has both King Carles III and Princess Catherin of Wales are in His hands. I know God will take good care of them in the days to come.

  2. As a Cancer survivor myself I know that journey all to well. 18 weeks of Chemo and Radiation takes its toll on not just you and your body but your family and friends as well. I had Throat and Vocal Cord Cancer and with its removal my ability to talk went with it. Things in this world are ment for and geared towards those who can speak. Try ordering food or calling 911 when you can’t say a word. Thankfully my Wife and I were watching America’s Got Talent 1 night and we usually never watch it. We’ll this was the night that Simon had Laryngitis and was using this thing where he typed and it spoke for him. The very next morning my Wife called my VA as I’m a Disabled Veteran and talked at great length with both my ENT and Speech Departments. Well it became a whirlwind of quick appointments with meetings set up and working out when the salesman could make it to Durham, NC. We got everything in place and within 2 minutes I was typing and talking. For 7 long years I was not able to call my family or friends and talk to them. I was able to once again carry on a conversation instead of carrying my notebook and pens around everywhere. I keep everyone affected with Cancer and their loved ones and caregivers in my daily prayers

  3. I am an American woman. I follow along very carefully with the publicity of this family. Also, I am an addiction counselor. Also, my values are God, family, and learning how to stay healthy spiritually emotionally, physically, and mentally. Also, I was married to an Englishman who prided himself on living “stiff upper lip”. It lasted for 1 year, as his addiction to work kept him from feeling his feelings, understanding COMPASSION, and not being able to see what the roadblocks were that were in the way of emotional connection. The Royals have and always have taken control, and lead, however, in relationships it’s pretty obvious a professional Psychotherapist might help them to understand how to connect. This would eliminate a lot of blaming, physical disease, and gossip.

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