Kamala Harris was caught in one flip-flop that is going to end up biting her in the butt

Kamala Harris is rolling out her Presidential campaign to great media fanfare. Now, she’s trying to reinvent herself on the fly to make herself palatable to swing state voters. And Kamala Harris was caught in [...]


    • She may flip-flop on her earlier stances now but once in office, she resort back to her original stance. She is America’s Greta Thunberg. Harris is not to be trusted at all!

      • I’ve caught Harris in to many lies now…
        For instance she’s never been concerned enough to close the border to criminals and her and the Democrats have fought Abbott and Texas on leaving it open while all the criminals were coming in.. she was trying to pin it on Trump.. she lied on tv and got caught saying she had been to the border.. she definitely can’t be trusted…
        She will say one thing and do the opposite

      • President Trump has the best policies for Americans!! We need strength not weakness!!! Our enemies want Harris to win because they are scared of President Trump, We need him

  1. I’m not only 1000% Sure that this is why they obviously tried to hold up the cardboard cutout of Biden as long as they could. When President Biden screwed up, most of those times it was not understood what he said or did. Yet, VP Harris doesn’t have that luxury. When she speaks, everyone knows exactly what the words are and understands exactly why she did it. Example. Her question and answers on fracking was while campaigning in Pennsylvania. So obviously,she’s said in this year’s run the she….we’ll wait till she gets to California or Colorado to it flip again.

  2. The country knows she is a liar. Why in the world would anyone want to trust a word she has to say. Crazy Dems are going to vote for her no matter what. The rest of the country needs to make its voice heard and kick her down the road. Tom

  3. She’s a Democrat which equals she’s a liar. If she participates in a debate, will the questions be given to her ahead of time, just like Biden’s debate, so her writers will supply her with the answers?? They better not!!! Questions asked off the cuff, as the expression goes, that way she can make a complete idiot of herself (which shouldn’t be difficult since she’s soooo good at that now)!!!!!

    • I totally agree with you that she will have the questions in advanced and the answers will be feed through her earbuds. She isn’t capable of forming a proper thought or answer on her own.

      • She has a best friend that works for ABC so she will get the questions ahead of time!!! She will cheat!!! They need to have three debates one right after the other,and Fox should be the one or two!!!!!!

    • NO-ONE has to WAIT for kammie to SCREW UP……; SCREWING UP is a NATURAL EVENT for dems! That… and LYING!!!

  4. Never under estimate the Democrats when it comes to skullduggery and slight of hand. They are masters of manipulation. They can sugar-coat a turd and feed it to their followers, who will gobble it up as candy.

  5. The fake news media is busy rewriting the history of Kamala. Thank God voters have access to past interviews that show the real Kamala – the Kamala that doesn’t belong anywhere near the White House.

  6. She cackles when she doesn’t want to answer a real question because she knows she is going to lie. If her mouth opens, nothing but lies will roll out.

  7. Shameless and squirrely–suddenly she copied Trump’s idea about not taxing tips. Even beginning campaigners don’t grab a brilliant idea and claim it was their’s!!

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