Kamala Harris was blindsided when this 2024 promise backfired on her in the worst way

Kamala Harris decided to make the first bold move of her campaign. It didn’t work like she expected. And Kamala Harris was blindsided when this 2024 promise backfired on her in the worst way. Kamala [...]


  1. Kamala Harris will do or say anything to get elected but once in office those promises will never materialize. The true Kamala will, on her Day 1, implement the highest taxes & spend programs along with new rounds of additional job killing economic ruining government regulations exactly like Biden did on his Day 1

    #VoteRedSaveAmerica #VoteRedAmericaSaveAmericaFromDemocrats

    • You notice she wants to raise minimum wage too the only thing that does is raise prices so they need to quit with the minimum wage hikes and cut the taxes on everyone. Look at Newsoms bright idea of raising minimum wages for fast food. Congratulations you got a pay raise, bad news you’re fired.

  2. She cannot tell the TRUTH if her life Depended on it!! If you fall for her Lies you deserve to loose everything and you cannot cry about it!!!!

  3. Whatever Kamala Harris is promising voters is the biggest LIE and will continue to be if God forbid she is elected because she will revert back to her original behavior. She has no intention of doing anything she promises to do except return back to her Marxist ideology. She is guilty of doing everything and anything she CAN TO destroy this nation and must be stopped.

  4. Whatever Kamala Harris is promising voters is the biggest LIE and will continue to be if God forbid she is elected because she will revert back to her original behavior. She has no intention of doing anything she promises to do except return back to her Marxist ideology. She is guilty of doing everything and anything she CAN TO destroy this nation and must be stopped.

    • Exactly ! Communists NEVER change, they just make up bigger more deceptive lies.
      And I don’t bother with the PC terms = A COMMUNIST IS A COMMUNIST -= PERIOD !
      I call it what it is and has been for a very long time !

  5. The only ones who pay taxes are the People. For Business, taxes are a Cost and are passed onto the consumer. The only reason to tax anyone but the People is to hide the cost of government. Put the burden on the People openly and they would revolt in a second.

  6. Kamala is probably the worst person to be uniting the American people. Her knowledge on most things is as low as it can go. The worst VP we have ever had.

  7. Comrad kamel-toe will be down for the count.
    You gotta Download “Fight!Fight!Fight! by,Top Doge. The video is Ggggrrrrreat!!!This will be Trump’s new theme song! Love it 🥰

  8. I have been asking for just one thing that makes Kamahoe qualified??? Just one??? Other than on her back gaining all her knowledge from willie brown’s willie!!!!! Oh oh oh, she does know how to murder 13 in Afghan, ignore, walk away, no accountability, and LAUGH about it. FKH, willie brown did!!!!!

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