Kamala Harris started one fight with J.D. Vance that will backfire in the worst way

Kamala Harris is getting too big for her britches, thanks to the media’s fawning over her. That’s causing her to make some serious miscalculations. And Kamala Harris started one fight with J.D. Vance that will [...]


  1. How is it possible to leave a comment when the news will not even tell you what the topic is and anything about it?

  2. Kamala will be the end of America as we know it. The democratic party cannot be allowed to control this country. If you value your freedoms, Kamala Harris must be stopped. Don’t be blind and led like sheep to the slaughter. We are being lied to. Use your brain and find the truth for yourself. Examine the policies of the left wing and think for yourself.

  3. The media and Dems Harris and Walz all lie. Then they control like law fare. They are not for the people but for themselves.
    Vote them out.

  4. Lies Lies and more lies! Kamala & Sise kick Walz Will go to the depths of Hell to get what they want and have NO remorse for the Evil they have done! Along with the other Democrats,oligarchs, RIno’s and traitors.

  5. It’s amazing how the Dems lie all the time. They think we are all idiots and just believe the crap they make up for their own power. They really don’t care about anyone but themselves.

  6. And Trump cares about anyone or anything but himself? No Way. If he wins, he will trade Ukraine for a Trump Tower Moscow 1,2,3.

  7. Hey all Democrats do you remember voting for sleepy Joe? If so, Harris will be WORSE!, so think twice about your vote!! Alot of you regretted voting for Joe… Now is your chance to make up for that decision, This country is on the brink of no return, your freedom, future are at risk of being hijacked by the Extreme far left. They will turn this country into a banana republic, forget your liberty, forget your dreams of getting a house, vacation, new car all of that will be out of your control!! Your future will belong to the elites and you will loose every last God given right by our creator! Look at the past 3yrs and think of what will happen when a more Far Left Extremeists like Harris will due?! Once they begin the finale acts of distroying our Constitution, bill of Rights and Democracy? Once it’s gone ya can’t get it back!! The things will be decided not by you, but the ones in charge!! This is the point of No return, we will never go back to what makes this country the country the world admirers most… You will Kill your own dreams future and your kids future as well!!! Think before you blindly vote!! I have no anger at demacratic voters but the Extreme Left like Harris is a scary thought!!!…

  8. Harris is a Communist and a danger to America. If Americans vote for that idiot then they ignite the fuse to America’s total destruction.

  9. Its bad enough when Joe Biden become President,everything that Former President Trump did for this country,Biden changed everything he open the borders,and let all illegal immigrants in.Kamala Harris will do the same thing.she wont close the border because she favors the illegalimmigrants than the oeople who are citizens of us.she has no plans for this country,you might as well kiss your freedom Goodbye,

  10. I have a friend of mine who was in Vietnam and he is now presently in the National Guard of Minnesota let him look at Walz’s record and see if he is not telling the truth about anything and he is running away from the truth. Is he a decrease to this nation? Ask anyone who lives in Minnesota, and what they think about Walz and his military record.

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