Kamala Harris may never recover after Katie Couric put her ineptitude on full display
Donald Trump’s decisive election victory has sent Democrats into hysterics, with left-wing politicians and media figures playing the blame game. While some have admitted their role in his victory, others have blamed the majority of [...]
Harris and democrats lost for two reasons. 1 democrats destroyed America and are corrupt they never listen to the people taxpayers who pay their outrageous salaries the have political people older than dirt pushing their corruption agenda down our throats it’s time for 90% of them retire. # 2. Harris is a do nothing VP who accomplished nothing except her and Biden bankrupt America. Pushing this stupid new loosing green dump deal at a cost of 2 Trillion dollars
Harris can’t speak coherently makes no sense and avoided ever question that mattered to the people. No personality and needs everyone to lead her around like a puppy needs someone to tell her what to say. She cheated her way through life while everyone else do all the work. Got to where see is because other democrats pushed her up the ladder. Picked for VP not for her accomplishments but because she was a Black woman Token that democrats thought the needed to win a election but still had to cheat. She’s a disgrace to her self and America and Americans.
You can’t fix stupid no matter what color you are. Her career is over as a politician period. Short but to the point
kamala is now saying she will run for the presdency in 2028 when trump is done.is this a joke?and stupid people like demorats will vote for her im sure of it.republcians rather see her and biden in prison?for what they did with open boarders.illegals killing our american citizens.. these two need prison time.
I agree! They did a lot of damage to our country and citizens
Just as Obama did he set us back Trump had us moving foward and then we had Covid out of nowhere which was all a hoax on the world.There are so many good black people who would make a great President but so far weve only had the Dei hard core that the politics have played on!!!Obama should be ashamed of what he has tried to do to this country but hes done now thankfully!Go live in all your fancy homes!Leave us alone!!!
Right on! Kath !
Should be another runaway for Republicans!!!! I would hope the Democrats are wiser than that.
Your last sentence says it all. Sadly, it applies to a large part of our society
which either CAN’T or won’t see the forest for the trees.
If you’re an American citizen, and if you have a rap sheet as long as your arm, you’re called a career criminal. And you spend additional time in prison just for being a career criminal.
But yet we have criminals in our government that will never see a day in prison. They are career criminals! And yet the American people allow them to stay in office. When are we gonna get serious about who we have in office?
“cheated her way through life” Is that what you call that particular talent that Willie Brown, and I’m sure many others, enjoyed!
Yes, Harold, I think she must perform much better “On her back” than she does in in her V.P. position!!!!! I think even old “Willie Brown” would agree on that one!!!!
I completely agree sad to say but true “Shes an EMPTY shell” of a woman trying to be everything she’s NOT!
She couldn’t even make it in Hollywood. Can’t act if her life depended on it .
Great comments, Sue, so true!!!
You get what you pay for…extravagant spending on flights, advertising, and phonies to interview you means you are too lazy to do your real job…being honest not wasting the tax payers money and getting off your ass to talk to the people in plain English is a start. Once a lazy VP always a lazy Prez. That’s not what Americans want.
Well said
Kamala Harris is a joke and I think most of Us horribly stupid Americans Know better than to vote for such an extremely worthless piece of trash and
will not even consider her for anything more than an idiot.
Yeah, the Democraps still don’t get it. And Trump will clean everything up, just like the Republicans always do, and then the stupid Democraps vote in another stupid Democrap president who will destroy America again. They never learn. She is a traitor, disgusting human being who is stupid on everything that it takes to run anything. They should tell her to go away and never show her face again. We need to stop the madness for good.
Yes Cynthia I agree
the news may change a little as the need to keep going but they will always hurt our President if they can
Democrats are nothing more than Communists. They will never change, they will always want to control all the people, all the time.
This election is teaching that the American people aren’t as dumb as they think we are! that we only vote by party ,or color! Gender doesn’t even enter either. In all my years as a voter I’ve never see a worst canadate than this one.
Just as Obama did he set us back Trump had us moving foward and then we had Covid out of nowhere which was all a hoax on the world.There are so many good black people who would make a great President but so far weve only had the Dei hard core that the politics have played on!!!Obama should be ashamed of what he has tried to do to this country but hes done now thankfully!Go live in all your fancy homes!Leave us alone!!!
Sadly, thelasthalf year or little more, REALLY showed the d- party,( I’d say DUMB) but Communists are not dumb as well as America Haters, has Completely showed themselves to be. SO?? What to do??? Pressure, Purging, PENALTIES for All of them . Some Have Committed TREASON. Anyone half paying attention can see that.For those few Dems that know what’s happening should dump D & and go I or R. Do not think Dems won’t still sandbag this incoming Addmin.I’m not trusting of Any Politician, so Hope we get what We The People VOTED for in next 4 years.
Harris was a flawed candidate. She never received a vote to be a candidate, she was horribly unprepared to campaign, her attitude toward those “beneath” her did not gain the loyalty that she needed from staff. Her word salads and lack of aperesonal platform just her candidacy as well.
I voted for Trump. i in 2020 my vote for Trump was rejected three times. I applied for help through he local Democrats and I appealed. Three times smy vote for Trump was rejected. The proctor made an electronic y specific request made a correct ballot that was again rejected.. The proctor submission is likely to be resolved.
I find that the vote counters-can change and abuse my vote and “protected Civil Rights without my specific and certified permission.
Why does this site ask for votes and then never addresses how people have voted? Is this all Bot speaking to Bot?
Just seeing my reply showing as 3:47am while the time in my zone is 9:47pm. Off shore horse feathers with a whole pile of bullshit!!
So kammie is gonna try again in 2028 ? She is a joke, and completely devoid of political skills … and then there’s the rising star out in California, the pretty boy Governor Gav, who has led the former Golden State to near total ruin … neither would stand a chance against the likely Republican ticket of JD Vance & Tulsi Gabbard … GO MAGA, and GO PRESIDENT TRUMP !!