Kamala Harris is worried sick after an Obama official gave her this reality check

Kamala Harris thought the honeymoon to her campaign was in full swing. She’s starting to watch the political dynamics of the race shift.  Now Kamala Harris is worried sick after an Obama official gave her [...]


  1. What is there to comment on? I can only read the first sentence or two and and am unable to pull up the rest of the story. What are you hiding?

    • They are trying to hide the fact that Harris is totally unprepared to be, or even run for, President. She is dumb and unable to to answer any questions.
      She is just plain DUMB!

      • Not just “even run for”, it’s also EVER run for. Even the indoctrinated should be able to see through her transparent facade. Her true colors show clearly.

  2. She is incapable of answering questions. She can’t make decisions on her own. She has no business running for President.

    • Can you imagine her speaking to world leaders? It couldn’t possibly be a scripted meeting as even the script writers don’t know what other leaders might say or ask. In fact, they might play on that and make her look like a bigger fool than she is and America would be a bigger laughing stock.

      • Yes you are right Kamala is a joke always lying and look at her running mate he seems to be even crazier Bad Bad people! Bad !

  3. She’s an airhead and a nitwit. She’s totally unqualified to be our president. That’s why she won’t debate. I suppose she could use her “go to” mode, i.e., cackle hysterically at each question.

  4. Voted most liberal Senator in the US Senate; that fact is now almost entirely scrubbed from the internet.
    Slept her way to become California’s AG – focused on race-baiting and imprisoning blacks for using marijuana when she too admitted using it. Look it up.
    Appointed Border Czar by FJB. And did NOTHING but keep the border open, allowing MILLIONS of illegals to cross into this country, including hundreds on the FBI terrorist watchlist. And another fact that the MSM also attempted to scrub from her record.
    Has not accomplished ANYTHING positive as VP.
    In fact, she was the tie-breaking vote on the so called Inflation Reduction Act – which did nothing other than increase inflation with runaway spending on frivolous earmarks.
    Supported BiteMe’s spending of BILLIONS in taxpayer money on a plan to build hundreds of EV charging stations. Hmmmm. How many were built for those BILLIONS? Seven. She was a catastrophe as Ca AG, as Senator, and as Veep.
    Only idiots would vote for her.

    • She slept her way to even pass her bar exam, then her DA position and then her AG position. I’m not sure who she slept with for the Senator position as she wasn’t exactly popular in the Bay Area, CA. She has never had her own real talents and still doesn’t.

  5. She is a Pot head. You can see this in her cackling and plan stupid answers. ANYONE that is voting for her is dumper than can be.

  6. If she was real then she would have no problem answering questions but when she spends most of her time lying it would be harder to remember. She would have to have a prompter to help keep the lies straight.

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