Kamala Harris is living in fear of this bad move from her past coming back to haunt her

Kamala Harris is undergoing an extreme political makeover to make her palatable to voters.  But she brings a laundry list of radical policies as a San Francisco Democrat. Now Kamala Harris is living in fear [...]


  1. Harris wouldn’t know the truth if it walked up and slapped her in the face. She’s not fit to serve in ANY capacity.

  2. This “born a Communist” is a real hardcore Commie a la Stalin.The only difference is she always laughs like a hyena.

  3. Once a bullshitter always a bullshitter! are her eyes brown because the American public thinks she’s full of shit as it is!she’s even a bigger bullshitter than the guy who passed her the job! BIDEN-biggest idiot Democrats ever nominated, and she won’t be any better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • She’d be worse especially with her VP pick. Bye Bye America as we know it if they win. Go Trump/Vance 2024!!!

  4. Kamala Harris solution to illegal immigration will be to give everyone who enter te country illegally citizenship on day one of her presidency and then anyone how enters the conuntry from that day forward will be granted citizenship by the Border Patrol as the walk across the board and any Border Patrol who will not to that will be fired. That is the Harris solution to the border problem.

  5. Kamala Harris is a liar, a theif and a murderer.( unborn babies) The same traits as Satan.
    There is mo better way to say it….I speak the Truth.

  6. Laughing horse Harris has been donating to a fund in DC to defund our police and she wants to cut icc who’s going to keep us safe

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