Kamala Harris has one awful scheme for 2024 that confirmed she’s worried sick

Kamala Harris is reintroducing herself to the country after she got the top spot on the ticket. But the public is seeing a very different person than they remember.  And Kamala Harris has one awful [...]


  1. life is tough, and life is tougher when you are stupid. any vote for any democrat is a vote to destroy America for china and iran

    • Total nonsense. Trump has numerous businesses in China, Chineses bank accounts, at one point Trump paid higher taxes in China than in the US. President Obama brought Iran to the talking table and after 70 years, Obama negotiated a draw down of Iran’s nuclear weapons program and they were monitored as 80% compliant.
      Shipped 25,000 pounds of enriched uranium out of the country
      Dismantled and removed two-thirds of its centrifuges
      Removed the calandria from its heavy water reactor and filled it with concrete
      Provided unprecedented access to its nuclear facilities and supply chains.
      Trump trashed the deal and now Iran has restarted their nuclear programs and are engaged in supporting our enemies.
      Trump is a walking disaster.

  2. TELL ME, “WHAT” has Harris ready done for us? OPEN BORDER, INFLATION, LOSS JOBS, Help me understand?

  3. Same B.S. propaganda that the demonrats always use! Harris is the new Obama stooge! HE is running her campaign, so any vote for her and creepy walz is a vote for Obama! They are having the media gaslight the people, saying she brings joy back. NO, she brings destruction and chaos, don’t be fooled by the canned Obama rhetoric, same b.s. different time! They think we are stupid, and tell us harris is a God send, in reality, the death knell of our country if they steal this election! The “ rig” is already in, we have to stop it from happening! GO MAGA!!!! We NEED Trump NOT Obama in a pant suit like killary!

  4. Dopey Joe Biden began the destruction of America and cackling Kammy will finish the job. That’s why we must reelect Trump. Elect Republicans to Congress. Kick the ‘rats out.

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