Kamala Harris blew a gasket after Jesse Watters revealed one dark secret about her husband

It’s been over three weeks since Joe Biden dropped out of the race and passed the torch to Kamala Harris. But she still hasn’t taken part in any interviews or press conferences. And Kamala Harris [...]


  1. She is like a Coral Snake,colorful,but totally venomous.Our U.S.A. will die from her bite if she is elected.

  2. She would make the worst president in American history and her VP I wouldn’t vote for him if you paid me to vote for him and I’m democrat. She doesn’t care about the American people. She says s g e is going to do all these things but guess what s g e has less power. She will not come through with her promises.

  3. JESSE Is so right about Kamala ! She has done nothing in 3 1/2 years what makes a person believe that if she was President anything would change ? She is the worst
    choice and is trying to change what she supported for 3 1/2 years. Same old person with even worst policy dealing with the border,Crime, law enforcement she is a cheerleader lets have a News Conference so we can see how bad she really is

  4. Let’s have a debate where they both (Trump and Kamala) can recount all their successes in their offices to date.

  5. Border unsecured,gas price’s high, inflation going crazy, USA is not respected
    in the world. the last 3 years have been the worst in my life. I don’t love Trump
    but I will vote for him…. I can’t find anything he did as President that I didn’t like.

    • JM! You summarized it all so well! Trump is not my brother, in-law, buddy, friend nor would I wish he were. I may not personally love the guy, but I vote not for a husband, lover, date, brother, uncle or even personality. I vote for a guy who proved to me 3.5 yrs ago he does (and did)a great job!We are voting for a President not a Prom King!

    • I’ve heard this as well but to be honest, I don’t think it’s proven? Wouldn’t surprise me a bit though. This assassination attempt is going to end up just like the JFK murder by our criminally illegal government. It’s been almost 61 yrs since that incident and “We the People” still have not seen all the evidence. If they release the truth or not, it will be several years after the last of us who witnessed it are dead. Then it will be of no interest and will be forgotten.

    • Well said Marie….The woman is quite ignorant,arrogant and dictatorial which is why 92% of her staff has quit in the last 3 yrs.

  6. Can you imagine her facing in person the rest of the world leaders , especially russin, Chinese, n Korea , what a joke , she has done nothing that is presidential, not even as vice president , anyone who would vote for her are fools

    • Sad just how many fools there are in the Democratic party. They will vote party rather than what’s best for our country

      • You are correct Janet. I read today that I need to vote for Kamala because I am a woman. Sorry, no can do when Kamala goes against everything I believe in.

  7. All of the comments that you made about VP Harris is a lie, you need to stop all of the untrue comments. Sound like trump who is as crooked is he can be and so it fox you all need to go to JAIL

    • What? Did someone doubt that the twenty years, old would be assain was not coached by the CIA to do the hit?
      What is wrong with these people? He gets on the roof, 150 yards away from Trump and then he fires not one shot but eight without being inconvenienced by Myorca’s secretservice morons ? On top of it, he is dispatched with a head shot so he can’t tell who made him do it.

    • Love the Jean Robot emoji…definitely a programmed Democrat that obviously doesn’t know how to do research. Check out CA Bill SB-145 that Your VP helped push through…if you know how, Jean!

  8. I’m finally hearing and seeing that Democrats with a brain are finally realizing that they put “the fox in the hen house” last pres. election. Now it’s time to give Trump a chance to clean out this weaponized and illegal Federal government. Don’t just vote for Trump but give Republicans control of both houses so “We the People” have a chance to save this country! I’m not sure Trump’s policies can even save our economy, but he certainly couldn’t make it worse. Vote REPUBLICAN!!

  9. Harris will say anything to get elected. It’s like she’s training Pavlov’s dogs to salivate when they hear a bell. If elected, it will be Obama’s 4th term.

  10. The days of real journalism seem done. Today’s media only spews the party line of their corporate owners, and these owners are typically Democrats who want big government to quash small upstarts that might become competition for them.

  11. We are not dealing with democrats VS republicans or the good against the bad! We are dealing with GOOD AGAINST EVIL! Harris and her cough, hack spew Vice President are liars and treasonous traitors to the United States Of America and anyone that votes for them is no better! Oh My God! Especially if you are Jewish! If they win this country IS DOOMED! Think about this and vote smart!

  12. Elect Trump and save america this saves the world Democrats are wicked liars who have ruined America again. Follow Hunter Biden to the Biden fortune kept in a secret spot to be seen revealed.

  13. The democrat party is a party of despicable liars. Harris is stealing the agenda of Trump – of course she has no intention fulfilling that agenda. Wake up America! The sleazy democrat party is financed by those who hate America!

  14. Who cares about Kameltoe and her husband’s problems. The issue is her vision for the US of A; not the current Kameltoe being presented to the masses, but the disaster for our country if she is elected POTUS.

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