Joe Biden is spitting mad after a judge put the kibosh on this illegal immigration scheme

The Biden-Harris regime has worked overtime to try and allow more illegal aliens into the country. And they are doing everything in their power to turn those illegal aliens into U.S. citizens. But now Joe [...]


  1. Why do you put these headlines that say “Joe Biden is spitting mad” — I see that a lot. Joe Biden doesn’t know what day it is! He couldn’t possibly be “spitting mad” at anything because he doesn’t know what’s going on!

  2. I think what you meant to say was that Obama, is spitting mad his 16 year conversion of America to Marxism suffered another set back. However small a set back is giant, hopefully more Americans will save this country from the treasonous Marxist’s that are in the WH now. There are no Democrats left, the Communists have taken that party over.

  3. democrats lie and Americans die, democrats are destroying America for china and iran, any vote for any democrat is a vote to destroy America

  4. Biden is such a joke. No wonder we haven’t heard what he is doing now, or not doing now! Illegal aliens will run this country and that is scary, meanwhile, Biden walks and moves like he has the beginning stages of Parkinson’s disease and not much cognitive strength.
    Where is our country headed?

  5. This is a scheme to import democratic voters. So far over 10 million have entered with the help of the Biden administration and they want more. Its been such a strain on our country and the border as foreign countries are releasing prisoner to come here to reduce their populations. Now we see the rise of illegals committing horrific crimes including rape and murder. This has to stop before we dont have a country any longer.

  6. The comments display a understanding of how bad the Biden administration has been and still bad for US Citizens!
    I’ve in my 87 years never seen a worst respect for the people, it baffles me to see the support for Kamala, she’s totally incabable of running the largest world’s superpower.
    A real misfit!

  7. This is not the real Biden. They hide him in his basement so no one would know he was a plant. The real Biden died in 2021.
    This is a treasonist act. Kamala is not a citizen, she is still a Canadian. The dems are doing the same thing to did with Obumba. If anyone took the Constitution they would all know this dems are all traitors. Take the Constitution as it is ruled by the letter not the one you read in the little constitution pamphlet. You will know what is illegal. It is the people that vote these persons in Office. No one in the dems have signed the oath after being elected by there commy pragandist taught.

  8. Obama is running our country now. We can’t stand 4 more years like the last 4. We’ll starve or be killed aliens crossing the border

      • I’d like to see that smirking idiot named Obozo, ridden out on a rail and tarred and feathered. He is an illegal alien so no wonder he wants the border wide open.

  9. All illegal immigrants in this country should be denied citizenship for 10 years. If during those 10 years they have had no legal problems they can then be considered to apply for citizenship!

  10. We have a legal system to naturalize foreign citizens. We do not need anything else. Just comply with the law and that is it. We may need, however, to revise the specifications of the law, because it seems to me there are loopholes that need to be fixed.

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