Jen Psaki made one bad prediction about J.D. Vance that confirmed she’s nervous as hell

J.D. Vance has shaken up the race after he was named Donald Trump’s running mate. Democrats are going on the offensive in the hope of completely destroying his reputation. And Jen Psaki made one bad [...]


  1. Jen Psaki is a has been. Who cares what she thinks?
    The one we have now is very good at lying, it’s so laugh able.
    Sometimes I feel sorry for her, because she has to lie.
    About everything.
    And she can’t give a straight answer, poor thing without looking in her binder, Oh! My gosh, wait let me find an answer, let you know, sorry I don’t have that information.
    She is sicking to here her lie time after time.
    I bet she wishes here time is up.

    • None of Bidens corrupt administration has done a good job for the American People only the illegals that are coming in are getting what the American People should have because we are here legally.

  2. None of Bidens corrupt administration has done a good job for the American People only the illegals that are coming in are getting what the American People should have because we are here legally.

  3. All IS being REVEALED! Neither one is any good. Psaki nor KJP should even be at the podium. President Trump 2024! Americans First 2024! MAGA and more 2024!

  4. Both KJP and JP are morons and never did their job as they should have. They both should have been fired and replaced with someone who knew the job instead of telling lies all the time. WHAT A WASTE IN THEIR JOBS THE BOTH OF THEM!!! j

  5. This “idiot” as you labeled him was recognized to be the one to lead this Nation out of the corruption that is overwhelming it at this time. He is not perfect! But neither was King David many years ago, but God used him in a mighty way! “If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” A promise given but with a requirement. If you desire Peace, and relief of guilt, follow the instructions!
    God is not through with America! Look for better days ahead as we as a Nation follow His leading!

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