James Carville gave Democrats some bad news about 2024 that left them in panic

Democrats are in a celebratory mood with Kamala Harris leading the ticket.  They think she’s on her way to an overwhelming victory in November.   And James Carville gave Democrats some bad news about 2024 that [...]


  1. Goofy Kam is not in the lead. She got a boost from the dimwit nitwit fanatics who rule the news and it is over. Debates, even one, will sink her for certain.

  2. The truth will set us free. For all true Republicans who love this country the one poll that really matters is Nov. 5th. There are all kinds of shell games being played out with the media/polls right now. GET OUT AND VOTE ON THE 5th OR EARLY THIS ELECTION AND WE’LL EXPERIENCE TRUE FREEDOM!!!! MAGA 2024

  3. I believe that Americans are smarter than the media think they are. America is not going to vote for four more years of the Democrat machine. I do not know how people are managing to feed their families in the Biden/Harris economy.

  4. If you compare to where we are now as to where we were 4 years ago, how can you say you are better off today than you were 4 years ago! 4 years ago, you paid less then 2 dollars for gas, our borders were closed and secured and our police departments were fully funded. Our economy was great! Grocery prices were well below what they are now.

  5. I have never trust the poles for 64 years. There has always been fraud in the elections. The dems are trying to find more fraud ways to beat the election. They will try and get laws changed for there good. The youth that will vote have no clue what an election is done. They have all been programed as dems. As the wolf said looking at the chickens in the hen house. Which one is for dinner. Keep a head of there evil ways that get exposed. No laws have ever put them down. They are all against laws.

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