J.D. Vance’s wife was fuming after one MSNBC contributor made this sick accusation about her husband

Democrats and their media allies are doing everything they can to advance their character assassination of J.D. Vance. They’re spreading all types of lies and smears about him. And J.D. Vance’s wife was fuming after [...]


    • FAR LEFT DEMS are not only ruthless liars, cheats & completely corrupted… they have to be the DUMBEST, most clueless cucks of all time to believe anything & everything their career criminal leaders are selling …when it is so obvious to everyone else they are caught in their own endless web of deceit & desperately spinning the same old lies in deep state damage control. How long will their base cling onto these false narratives & keep supporting these psychopathic, DEMONICRAT dictators to their ultimate destruction?? Will they ever WAKE UP before the whole country crashes & burns!!?? Let’s hope THEY DO before it’s too late!

      • As a Canadian,whose present Government,is the worst we have ever had.Is watching the U.S. Government ,seemingly implode as we witness every day. It is sad and frightening.
        When my husband and I watched the change over when Obama strode toward Biden and warmly shook his hand, I turned to my husband and said “The fix is in”and when he asked me why….I simply said “just look at Obama’ s smile and the look on his face. All that ‘body English’ ,from Obama, said he was still in charge. I pray that he is not still in charge when this election is over.
        The only good America is FREE America.

        • Patricia M. – you are far more observant that many of America’s citizens. The fix sure was in when Biden “supposedly” won the presidency, which meant in reality that this was a third term for Obama. There was so much fraud in that election and nobody does anything about investigating it. The Democrats control every aspect of our government so nothing gets done. It sure is a sad state of affairs here in America.

        • I agree also. When an individual from Canada can see right through all the lies and deceipt, it makes you wonder what is wrong with some of the people here. They are so brainwashed and like sheep, they believe everything and when it all imploded with Biden not being totally control of all his senses, they now are white washing it and gas lighting people and they go along with it, not waking up to the fact that if all this was covered up for 3 1/2 years, what else has been covered up. If they believe he was running the country, then I don’t know what planet they are from…Most knew really who was making the decisions and running the White House. It will be the same thing under Kamala, she is clueless, so there again, it would be a fourth term for the behind the scenes president. American and people better wake up!

      • Beautifully described. They will attack at all costs, particularly suggesting that ALL Republicans who happen to be White are racists.

  1. Sounds like Whoopi is describing herself! She only has to look in the mirror every time she talks negatively which is all the time!

    • My thoughts exactly! Except you were too polite! That whole witches coven if shrews on The View have been spewing venom & vitriol for far too long, turning young Americans into hateful, self entitled, violent fascists just like this hissing, pissing pit of Deep State Swamp Snakes!

      • Seriously? You think they’re the ones who are afraid? You need to quit watching and reading MSM (Mainstream Media in case you don’t know). They are the liars. Hopefully, for your sake, you will realize that someday.

      • Did you hear the talk of Judge Brown. You want to watch when Trump and Harris have a debate. He’s going to show her for what she really is. Dumb as they come.

    • The left are afraid of the mega movement because it tears down all the BS they have created trying to destroy our constitution and the American way. The Democrats want us to be part of a new banana republic and they have been allowing all the bananas to move in.

      • When President Trump named JD Vance as his candidate for Vice President, that was the greatest nomination he has made in his entire career. The Democrats right away attacked with all sorts of lies against JD Vance because JD Vance is not afraid to tell the Truth as to whether it be Joe Biden or Kamala Harris and even this fella that Harris has named as her pick for the VP. The man lied right off the bat, just as Harris did as to the Border, but this man lied about weapons as he had quit the Service right before he would have been deployed to serve. Outside of being a coward, the man is a big liar, just as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are. Democrats if you have any self-respect at all, you will not vote Democrat but have the nerve to vote MAGA/

  2. The Democrats and their propaganda media allies are the masters of distorting with their lies. What’s even more worse is that the Democratic voters fail to see the real truth instead they believe in this propaganda. When will you democrats wise up and start seeing the hypocrisy that your party has on display it’s right in your face and you can’t see it ? Wise up !

  3. It’s increasingly more and more obvious the Democratic Part will stop at nothing to push their woke ideology/dictatorial regime on the American people and blame the Republican Party for our current political mess (to put it mildly). And they will attack any/all loved ones as ‘leverage’ to do it. But ‘woe’ to any who do so those of the Democratic Party!NO ONE IN POLITICS IS SAFE – physically or ideologically.

  4. They are a SICK BUNCH! What more is there to say? They can’t stand to think they are going to lose. They are making things worse for themselves, but they have NO understanding of what their stupid actions can actually do. The more you misbehave the more trouble you will get. And you deserve it.


  6. The left are afraid of the mega movement because it tears down all the BS they have created trying to destroy our constitution and the American way. The Democrats want us to be part of a new banana republic and they have been allowing all the bananas to move in.

  7. The “dumbing down” of America took the Democrats 6-7 decades and the crowning of a Fraud 2008 election proved they had reached their goal.2024 will further confirm that IF their Communist does win and the people will then realize the pure hell ala CCP being “the law”

  8. When the democrats run out of true facts to use against their opponents, they resort to pure idiotic insults, completely avoiding the issues that the public is most interested in. They create terrible policies and cover it with rhetoric, lies and personal attacks that have absolutely nothing to do with political necessities. We the people are simply too gullible and don’t look beyond all the noise. If the democrats get back into office after this round, then it proves that the country has more masochists’ than sane voters.

  9. When President Trump named JD Vance as his candidate for Vice President, that was the greatest nomination he has made in his entire career. The Democrats right away attacked with all sorts of lies against JD Vance because JD Vance is not afraid to tell the Truth as to whether it be Joe Biden or Kamala Harris and even this fella that Harris has named as her pick for the VP. The man lied right off the bat, just as Harris did as to the Border, but this man lied about weapons as he had quit the Service right before he would have been deployed to serve. Outside of being a coward, the man is a big liar, just as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are. Democrats if you have any self-respect at all, you will not vote Democrat but have the nerve to vote MAGA/

  10. When President Trump named JD Vance as his candidate for Vice President, that was the greatest nomination he has made in his entire career. The Democrats right away attacked with all sorts of lies against JD Vance because JD Vance is not afraid to tell the Truth as to whether it be Joe Biden or Kamala Harris and even this fella that Harris has named as her pick for the VP. The man lied right off the bat, just as Harris did as to the Border, but this man lied about weapons as he had quit the Service right before he would have been deployed to serve. Outside of being a coward, the man is a big liar, just as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are. Democrats if you have any self-respect at all, you will not vote Democrat but have the nerve to vote MAGA. I am being “Black Listed” by those who will not accept the Truth.

  11. JD Vance states the Truth as to VP Kamala Harris and Gov. Welc, which is why the Democrat Party has gone after him with whatever lies they can make up against him. VP Candidate JD Vance is the best of the Best which President Trump knew could do the job which he has proven so far. Mrs. Vance concern is real. As someone said “Unfortunately that comes with the territory” which may be true but I admire Mrs. Vance for calling it what it is.

  12. i woouldnt put a pass to this nonsense.these demorats all belong in prison. there nothing but lying people trying to distroy our beautiful country. and if believe this crap they put out is crazy.trump in 2024. why isnt obama and michelle getting out of these

  13. I FEAR WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF THE Dems win, it will be the end of our United States as we know and love it. GOD, HELP US ALL.

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