J.D. Vance shut down a nasty attack from Kamala Harris with one brutal fact

J.D. Vance is facing an onslaught of attacks from Democrats and their media allies. But he’s hitting back. And J.D. Vance shut down a nasty attack from Kamala Harris with one brutal fact. J.D. Vance [...]


  1. Dems are up to no good. As usual lie after lie and smear attacks as they did with Trump. JD is smart and honest so anyone with half a brain knows JD will come out on top. It’s mind boggling that US citizens can’t see that Biden/Harris have destroyed our Country in so many ways.

    • I’m concerned they’ll cheat again and steal the election.
      They will stop at nothing to win. Their goal is to turn America into a communist country! The lockdown’s,masks, vaccine were designed to control us.

      • Kate, your so right. Their plan for the upcoming election is to issue IDs to all the millions of immigrants, a high percentage illegal and destroy our voting system. Kamel is the main instigator of this plan. Folks, we need you to get out and vote and hope the voting machines are not compromised in their favor. These people are evil, and their goal is to bring in the NWO. WAKE UP AMERICA !! Jesus is coming soon, are you ready? You don’t want to be left behind. Maranatha

        • It is so sad that people believe in all of this rhetoric by the Democrat about how wonderful their ordained candidate that is a leftist that believes in selling aborted babies parts even if born alive, believes that illegals have more rights and given more aid in money and healthcare than Americans, has such a horrible record as a San Francisco DA that released back into the community illegals that had killed Americans, helped ruin the economy with bad decisions such as creating money to do bribes, higher uneducated wages creating inflation and hiding so nobody can see her laughing like a hyena or talking a long piece of garbage that says nothing or called word salads, has helped kill people in Afghanistan and Israel by her illiterate jargon. Definitely someone that will destroy America and make it country managed by China. Everything is being done to control the media like Russia and China so the voice of American citizens is destroyed.

        • I totally agree. Let’s take it a step further. It’s time for Christians to stop standing on the sidelines and not voting. When we do this we make sure that the democrats win. Also it’s time for black voters to start doing our homework and no who and what we are voting for. Every election the democrats seek our votes through working us into a lather using emotion and fear. What other culture is treated this way? We are constantly told that we are not smart enough to make our own choices or decisions ( check out comments from Biden to graduates earlier this year at Morehouse University).

      • Me too Kate,the bs is starting,the demorats are evil individuals. I can NOT FOR THE LIFE of me figure out WHY,they want the children and grandchildren growing up in the evil,crooked place run by the demorats.

        • They are diminishing their own sect with the call for abortions and the green deal that prophesies for couples to NOT have children for the good of the land/air. They are on a self-fulfilling journey of wiping out all dems. Let them at it… the country will be better without their ilk.

        • Kathy, You are so right. One thing that will help you deal with all of the Dems crap, look up Julie Green, she is a minister that gets messages from God & he tells her what to say & what Bible versus to use. Her email is jgminternational.org

      • Oh they will definitely cheat, it’s in their vile blood, just like when they flopped Biden and Trump’s name on the election results in 2020. Now they have 10-20 million illegal voters on their side. I mean I’m in California and polling centers close at 9 p.m. but the results were in by 9:30 p.m.no way possible

        • I don’t believe she’s constantly getting messages from the one Try God. Maybe a time or two. She is not a profit and I am not going to log on to her website.

      • They can take this covid bullshit, masks and shots up their asses. I may have cancer from the fake bullshit. flipperflopfauci needs to be tried for murder.

  2. We in our household appreciate JD Vance. It’s obvious he and President Trump are the best for this Country. He responds perfectly to critisism and persecution. This is a Spiritual Battle.
    JD Vance is what we need. We are Praying and Voting for JD.Vance.

    • You are so correct. May the hand of God be on Trump/Vance to save our country. The democrats and their woke agenda is ruining our country and the future of all of us. Look, people can do whatever, as long as they don’t impose on other people that don’t agree with the same values. They have to answer God. We need Trump and Vance to save this economy, stop illegals from coming into the country, deport the ones that came in illegally, they can apply like everyone else has to. We need the health and welfare of our people first! Our veterans, homeless, mental health issues before we save others from other countries. If they come in, they need to have their own way of supporting themselves and not the tax payers. We did not ask them here and it’s not our responsibility to provide for them. It’s draining our resources and causing crime against humanity and Americans.

    • The other thing if people really would listen is he answers questions unlike the Dems who continuously dodge them

  3. Let the Democraps play their childhood games because thats all they got. Haris said she will fix the economy when she gets in, Shés already their how come she is not fixing it now! Maybe because she is lying to everybody, she is gaslighting all the Democrap followers She even stole Trumps Ideal about no taxs on tips because she has NOTHING but lie’s

  4. Omg Harris lies more than Biden I can’t believe the people actually are dumb enough to listen and believe was she says. They need to wake up and look around them Another 4 years of this regime could be just enough time to finish destroying the country.

  5. Kamala is already Vice-President. Why isn’t she doing her predictions NOW!!! Looks to me like she hasn’t a clue today and she will not be any “smarter” in 3 months. She’s all mouth–no common sense!!

  6. Harris and the media and democrats know nothing but lie’s if you believe them and vote for Harris then you are trader’s to America just like them get your head out of your ass and wake up people.

  7. May God help us. Harris has opened the border to millions of people. Now she wants to let them vote.

  8. Trump and Vance are gift from God to the American people. Harris is immoral. She had to
    be a girlfriend of Willie Brown so that she can get the DA job from San Francisco. Her VP
    is another thing. Both liars. Democrats are liars so with the press people. They’re afraid of Trump and Vance because both are smarts human beings cannot be bought and the
    Democrats cannot do what they want to do. I am sorry with Biden. They pushed him out
    so that he cannot run his re-election. Obama, Nancy P and the rest of the Democrats are
    bad people. Is that what they call DEMOCRACY? pushing out people who run for re-election? I blamed Biden why he agreed these crazy and bad people. Biden should have ran
    either he lost or win stand for his right. Obama has no backbone and very weak person.
    Trump and Vance will be the next president and VP in this country not Harris her VP both liars. Period

  9. When someone(Harris)steals Trump’s idea/plan openly, without batting an eye, what is that underhanded twit taking from everyone behind closed doors. I cannot believe the press is not calling her on it. They are as underhanded and crooked as any dem can be.

  10. What the media is doing is disgusting. They are influencing the people to vote for 2 evil lying people. They should stay out and just report the news like they use too.

    • Exactly they push their own demorat agenda,they are not journalists,I dont watch any local,news,MSNBC, cnn,ABC nbc cbs,NEWS MAX FOR ME…

  11. She is after all a production of the California’s political system, that should be more than ample evidence as to her ambitions for our country, then she adds Walz as her running mate who’s record is even left of hers!

  12. It is odd that no one points out that both Kamala and Walz are bad choices. Not only are they bad choices, they are traitors to our Constitution and to the American people. They will destroy America and the people who are voting for them will not even realize it until it is too late. What a bunch of sheep. It was the same with Hitler and Germany.

  13. Everybody knows the truth, no what the Democrats say. The Democrats have a become nothing but a fraudulent organization.

  14. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE BETTER COME TO MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE IN NOVEMBER IF WE WANT A COUNTRY. THE TWO IDIOTS WILL TEAR US DOWN!!ONE QUESTION, have you ever seen two people that look lust alike when they open their BIG mouths!!

  15. If the demonic rats had to rely on telling the truth. They’d be up the proverbial creek not only with no paddle but also no canoe. When a voter eventually dies they’ll see the previous democratic loudmouth right where he belongs. Next to the other evil entity in HELL. YUP YUP

  16. If the main street news outlets and Democraps told the truth they would probably burst into flames

  17. I would think that the communist fascist racist satanic democrat party would’ve already realized that the WEIRD party is the party of the mentally ill, the morally challenged and corrupt, the low I.Q., low information, the Jeffrey Epstein Satan worhipers of the left!! “The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.” Ecclesiastes 10:2

  18. The Democrats are scared stiff of a Trump Vance Victory, because it will show up what a bunch of criminal but hopeless bunch the Democrats are. Satanic Soros and Grafty Gates will do all within their power to help defraud the American people by huge donations to the Democrats and interference with the election but hopefully they will fail dismally and both wind up behind bars with Garland, Wray, Biden and Obama.

  19. Obama goy his third term with Biden and his forth term will be with Harris Haven’t you ever wondered whos hand was up bidens A– operating his mouth


  21. As an American citizen, you need to vote for Trumph and Vance, if you want your country to be free! Harris and. Waltz are killing our country, with their stupid policies. Vote REPUBLICAN in November!

  22. The DEMON rats are terrified of Vance! Why? Because he is a true patriot like Trump, and being in the senate he knows what rats they truly are! And, he is tough enough to be hit by their slings and arrows and remain standing! His “ memaw” taught him well, God bless her! The spineless demonrats can’t bring him down, no matter how hard they try! He turns all their crap rhetoric right back on them! The Trump/Vance ticket is good, that is what scares the demonrats. They know when Trump is back in office, they will have NO control anymore, he will bring our country back like he is promising! Harris/walz will continue the Obama agenda of destroying our country! Don’t buy the demonrat propaganda, they have nothing to offer, other the same Obama bullshit we have had to live with for far too long, to our detriment! If you want better, vote Trump/Vance, if you want the same old Obama bullshit,vote harris/walz! I am voting Trump! How about you?

  23. The Democrats call names and criticize because they are immature and can’t treat others with respect. Many do not belong in the “race”. They do this because they fear losing. All of these court cases against Trump are so WRONG and many involved should be in jail (not Trump). If they played “fair” it would be a miracle!

  24. I’ve said it before if you vote for democrat/ communist don’t tell me you are a Christian, because they are of the devil & you are what you vote for. Also all Christians need to vote & vote for Trump/Vance. Gun owners if what I’ve heard is true I’m ashamed of you.I heard that 10 Million fo you don’t vote.Harris wants our guns.

  25. Biden and Harris want term limits for Supreme court judges, how about term limits for all of the congressmen and women? We need Trump and Vance in the White House. Anybody who doesn’t think so needs to wake up, if they can’t see what is going on with the Democrats, they have not grown up yet, and still need to be told what to do. Who ever votes for Harris/Walz like to be told what to do. They can’t think for themselves, and they must like it that way. GOD help us if the Dems get back in!!!!!!

  26. I have felt for many years that the Demorats want control over all of us, while they continue to stuff their pockets!!! In contrast, Trump wants the best for our USA!!! Trump successfully ran a big business & is certainly qualified to be a better president than another Demorat stuffing his pockets which is all they know!!!

  27. JD.Vance was a excellent choice for Donald Trump and for our country.Those think otherwise are going too see the the great change these two are going too make.He has a brilliant mind and the two great Americans will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

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