Greg Gutfeld marveled at the one promise Trump kept that sent Democrats into disarray
Donald Trump’s first week as President is in the books. Americans haven’t seen anything quite like it. And Greg Gutfeld marveled at the one promise Trump kept that sent Democrats into disarray. Donald Trump’s flood-the-zone [...]
Some of your questions don’t match up with the articles that they are following. It would be nice if they did. Also half the time I try to comment to an article and it’s not available to be commented on. What’s that all about?
The executive orders need to be made into permanent legislation so the next administration can’t undo them. We need to protect our children’s future. English also needs to be the official language of the country.
Start deputizing truly American citizens to help round up illegals and deport them all. There are millions of Americans that would help to save our country from these criminals. Sign us up we are ready.