George Stephanopoulos’ blood ran cold when this judge handed Donald Trump a massive legal victory

George Stephanopoulos is a Clinton lackey who has been allowed to masquerade as a “journalist” for decades now. Every Sunday he hops on ABC News’ This Week with George Stephanopoulos to push whatever Clinton-approved propaganda [...]


  1. Me thinks the opening credits for any lame stream media fake news program should have a disclaimer that it is a production made for the Marxist cult called the DEMONrat party and that nothing said during the show will be real or truthful.

    • Chuck Todd was stunned by Trump’s successful lawsuit? He thinks this is going to make things difficult for journalists going forward? Say what?
      Two things: neither Todd nor Stephanopoulos are journalists.
      Secondly, just tell the truth misters Todd and Stephanopoulos and the road forward won’t be difficult at all.

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