George Clooney just made one shocking announcement after Democrats desperately cannibalize celebrity supporters

Democrats are still playing their blame game over their landslide defeat in the recent November election. Every Democrat surrogate and leader is scared about becoming the next target. And George Clooney just made one shocking [...]


  1. All of these so-called elite actors think they have a right to tell regular God-fearing Americans how we should Think and Act according to the way they Think & Act. SORRY THAT AINT GOINA HAPPEN! We love America for what its values and strengths are for all!!

    • tell george clooney go on a vacation somewere very far far away,we the people are fed up with the demorats and hollywood trying to put president trump in prison .there a disgrace to our country. president trump was a great president and now he will even be greater in 2024.shame on demorats the way they speak about the greatest president trump in 2024.

  2. Clowney has homes all over the world so why is he so concerned about America we have survived so far without any help what so ever from this overated actor if he doesnt like our current leader stay away for a few years until maybe you might like the next President but keep your hate to yourself!!!

    • Democrat ‘thinking’ and hate is illogical and spews in every direction so no should be surprised or upset if some is aimed at them… just ignore it for the stupidity it is… and join MAGA, instead…

  3. Celebrities making millions of dollars a year don’t feel the pain of average Americans. Why would anyone follow the advice of these elite morons!

  4. Forget George Clooney – great actor but not the sharpest tool in the shed. The American people were fed up. They were not buying what the Democrat Party was trying to sell, no matter how it was packaged withattracrive “celebrities”and articulate media gurus.

    • There is not one celebrity who’s opinion is worth any spit in the wind…the money they make is absurd and if they are not born in this country, they cannot say anything about what goes on in our political scene…they should have work visas just like any other non US citizen working in our country…when job is done go back to their home country

  5. Hollywood Celebrities Should Come To Realize That Their Audience Need Them To Manipulate To Make A Political Choice Because Of Who There In Favor If They’re Paid To Do That .

  6. It just makes it so true money doesnt win elections good wise people do!!!And after her raising a billion dollars and coming out in debt just what does that tell people?

  7. Well, just goes to show everyone that “ Clowney” isn’t the one to listen to! He was probably paid big bucks by Obama to write that hit piece against Biden! It backfired big time! And with Obama, Piglosi, screwmer pushing Biden out of the race and his flipping Obama “ the bird” by endorsing commielala to be the candidate, sealed the deal for a massive Trump win! Now they all get to “ eat crow” for their underhanded actions. Love to see them eating their own! It is about time! And proves Obama isn’t as revered as he thinks he is! He and moochelle think they can tell people how to vote, because they say so! WRONG! They sealed commielala’s fate with their hateful rhetoric against Trump and his supporters! Plus Biden calling Trump voters garbage didn’t help commie’s campaign!

  8. Clooney, did you even check on what Harris and Walz have done , Check-Harris nothing, she was in office because she was a woman and black. Never submitted a bill while a senator, She let in millions of illegals that are criminals, they have murdered, raped, robbed, destroying this country. Walz let his own city burn during riots, put Tampons in boys bathrooms , his family said he was not the kind of person you wanted in the White House telling american people what to do. If you supported this that you need to move out. The American People Voted.

  9. Hollywood was the downfall of the Democrats Party , Americans dislikes Hollywood as much as they do the Democrats!

  10. Has anyone heard if Robert the whiner de Niro pack his bags and leave the United States. If not some of you New Yorkers need to give him a hand and show him the door……

    • DeNiro paid Trump the highest compliment:”Trump WILL DO what he says he will do” !!!
      (trying to scare his fellow Dims)

    • denero was a disgrace in new york reading about how bad trump was called trump all kinds of names. it didnt work denero people in new york thru you out so fast saying disgustuing thing about our greatest president trump has done for the people in our denero pack a bag and gofar far away we hate your movies always playing cant even act you even stink as a actor . so now denero start packing your bags because president donald j trump won in a landslide.in2024

  11. HALLELUJAH!!!!!
    Just maybe, USA has gotten their heads on straight, for a change.GOD BLESS AMERICA AND PRESIDENT TRUMP AND VP J.D. VANCE AND FAMILIES!!!!!!

  12. Here’s one fire I’d love to throw gas on! Anytime democrats turn on each other is a time to cherish. If there’s any way I can help democrats destroy themselves, please advise me.

  13. It’s time to Bud Lite assholes like Clooney and all these big mouth celebrities. It’s time these assholes loose millions of dollars for being assholes. Protest their movies and shows. Bankrupt them

  14. I just tune these lib jerks out. I do not support their movies or their views. They think because they make movies that they know more of life then regular folks.
    These elite stars like Clooney, and politicians like Obama make me sick.

  15. LMFAO the elected Demogods and Hollywood bozo’s deserve what they deserve move the hell
    Out of the great USA and let our fore fathers set up and say “I told you so” Herls up Kamala deserves what she campaign “ not a chance of being in DC again” move to China on a slow boat

  16. The demonrats got what they asked for! The obama’s had the notion that because of who they “ think” they are, they can tell us whom to vote for! NO WAY! People are sick and tired of the Obama/Soros agenda, and voted them out!Clooney is a “ paid mouthpiece”, no one cares what he has to say. That includes De Niro, whack job Kathy Griffin and other “ celebrities” in their own minds. They are clueless about how the rest of the country has to live, and they don’t care. They all need to go back to pedowood and stay OUT of politics. We could care less about them, we care about our country and our people. So they need to stfu and go home, or anywhere but here!

  17. Good riddance to Clowney and the rest of the Hollyweird left wing rats like DeZero. Let them all destroy each other.

  18. Celeberties should definitely stay out of politics as they are high profile in the public eye and it doesn’t matter which party they publicly support, Almost half of the population out there will cross you off their list of people they support in the theatres or where ever this people draw their wealth from.

  19. Let’s get real the only person Harris has to blame is herself. She did lousy job as VP and the American People know it. The choose the made was a BAD ONE so now they have to live with it. I hope all these big names remember this when they come back around with their hands out for more money. They may well be the next scapegoat.

  20. Anyone who doesn’t love the USA should go back where they came from and stay away. We do not need people who hate us and our country.

  21. George Who? Oh! You mean that washed up, delusional turd who makes a millions of $ by playing someone else? Just go away already!

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