Gavin Newsom was spitting mad after he heard these five words about California

California is Democrats’ blueprint for completing their “fundamental transformation” of the U.S. But things aren’t exactly turning out the way they planned in the state.  And Gavin Newsom was spitting mad after he heard these [...]


    • Why is this tolerated in CA, we moved to Texas from CA. The governor of Texas is a man for the people. He doesn’t lie to the people like useless neusom. He doesn’t do fake interviews and pictures about how he is fixing the state like useless neusom and he wants the state to prosper with jobs and utilities, taxes and housing that people can afford.”

  1. I wonder if mental illness is curable. I hope for the sake of California, the US, and even Gavin Newsom, that it is.

  2. Green Deal doesn’t realize that if you want electricity for cars and everything else that your going to need oil to produce the energy. What do you do when there only a breeze for wind mills or a lot of cloudy days for solar not a sure guarantee of energy such as oil

  3. CA is a waste dump. Many people want out but can’t leave. They treat small business the way their politicians should be treated… “LIKE SHIT!!!

  4. Newscum destroyed California, we don’t need to give him a chance to do the same to the USA! Demonrats are the party of MAO.

  5. I could try to re-spell that
    💩🕳 word. Will SCHIDD HOHL
    I figured this will leave a smirk on our face and a grimace 😬 on
    Failure-Newton’s permanent awkward facial expression 😅 😬 😆 🙃

  6. I love California, born and raised here. It could be the most beautiful & welcoming state in the US, but sadly 😢 It’s not. Governor Newsome has turned California upside down, cost of everything is out of site. Much of it due to fuel prices. Our Southern border is a JOKE!!! I’ve lived most of my 81 years here and I fear 😨 for the future of younger people. I hope Newsom will leave office and never move into the WHITEHOUSE – WHAT A DISASTER THAT WOULD BE!

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