Ford has a five-alarm fire on its hands after one pro-terrorist move threatened to bring the company to its knees

Ford is one of America’s biggest corporate brands. But even Ford isn’t immune from the current political climate. And now Ford has a five-alarm fire on its hands after one pro-terrorist move threatened to bring [...]


  1. The area and people known as Palestine and Palestinians has ever been a country and will never be one as long as they keep up this fight and terrorism. Its people under Hamas will always suffer becasue of the influence and supply of Iran to terrorism. As soon as the people demand and enforce the rejection of these terrorists he sooner Palestine will be recognnized by the World, the UN, and the people they continue to hurt and terrorize. The entire western end of the Mediterian could be a paradise if the people in the area known as Palestine reject and enforce the denial of Terrroism to exist in their future nation. I wish them well, but the religeous Imams require marters and continue to lie and cheat the people out of their future while they spew their hate, intollerance, anti-Quran teachings.

  2. Staying out of politics should also include steering clear of the racist DEI ideas. Do what is best for the company, hire/promote people based on their qualifications/work.

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