Donald Trump’s border strategy shut up his critics when this report hit the airwaves

The numbers don’t lie. In a stunning reversal of Joe Biden’s border catastrophe, President Trump has achieved what the mainstream media claimed was impossible. And Donald Trump’s border strategy shut up his critics when this [...]


  1. The collaboration of all ice departments working together has been remarkable to confront the momentum of entries illegally…so grateful for their hard work and commitment!!!

  2. The floodgates may be closed, but we still have 20 million illegals in this country that came in in the last four years…and that’s 20 million more than we need -time to remove all of them.

  3. YOUR RIGHT numbers Don’t LIE there were 133,000,000. Million U. S. Registered voters back in 2020 and they found 22 Million more illigle voters on top of that THAT’S RIGHT 22M illigle Ballots found then we ended up with 22M illigle immigrants crossing illigley in those four years WE CANT KEEP FORKING OVER MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS OF DOLLARS 36T in Debt
    It’s NOW the American PPL turn U. S. CITIZENS Deserve a change….. DEPORT them all no more free ride Before it’s to late and all our resources are all Dried up….

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