Donald Trump was licking his chops after he heard what Kamala Harris told the harpies on “The View” about Joe Biden

Kamala Harris’ campaign slogan is “A New Way Forward.” She is hoping voters forget that she is part of the failed regime currently in power. And Donald Trump was licking his chops after he heard [...]


  1. Kamala Harris is a pathetic lier and she doesn’t have any plans or policies…she is a copycat politician..worthless

  2. It is hard for me to accept and believe the citizens of this country actually picked the dumbest to lead the country

    • The citizens didn’t pick Kamala. She was chosen by the Democrat party elite. There was not so called “open primary” that Nancy Pelosi claimed. It was all the upper echelon in the party who decided. And their water carriers, the leftist media, proceeded to inform the Dem voters that Harris is the one they are required to vote for. Like obedient little Borg denizens, they bought it and now declare that Harris is the “Saviour of the World”! It doesn’t make any difference that prior to Biden stepping down, Harris was disliked by the majority. They’ve been instructed and they will obey.

  3. Cackling Kammy will be dopey Joe’s second term, only worse. She’s an airhead, totally ignorant about everything. After all of dopey Joe’s failures and brain-dead policies, cackling Kammy wouldn’t do anything different? That’s breathtaking.

  4. Kamala finally told the truth about being part of most of the decisions Biden made that she wouldn’t have done anything different! Now we know 4 more of the same will add another 30% or more to our costs that will break the financial future of all Americans! The Biden Harris Communist Democrat Dictatorship has to end to save all of our futures! Vote Republican!!

  5. Kammikens is worse than Biden. She is a true communist and supported by the mega rich as in Soros so they can take over this country. A vote for her is a vote to be fore even owned by her handlers! She should be arrested with Senile Biden and the rest for TREASON!!!

  6. And I have to add, the mega rich have been pushing forever in my knowledge for cheap labor. There is a reason we have lost our borders and the people flooding in are greedy because where they live the divide is real and there are the rich and the poor who do whatever they have to for survival. They see us as a money cow not a real nation because they assume rightly, we are pretty stupid these days!

    And they ARE taking OUR JOBS RIGHT NOW! And this is at least a problem with big business that the USA has protected our citizens from since it’s inception. The people backing Kammikens are not our friends, they wish to own us and control us for their own gain and have been prepping for this very action.

    I use the phrase, “When is enough enough?”. For the folks of mega wealth like Soros and the rest, the answer to my questions is “NEVER”. Greed is evidently a driver for all of them and looks like Bozo signed up long ago. That is Obama, a wanta be mega rich dude or is that dudette? Maybe one of those describes MOOSHELL! They are sitting on millions if not billions. How did they get SOOOOO rich?

    Open your eyes, this a war against the principles this nation stands for. Pick your side carefully because if you don’t wake up from the hard sell of the communist who will make sure government takes care of all of us to their own gratification, you WILL live to reqret your choices for yourselves and your children.

    And if you worry about war, rest assured if the other nations of that joke of a UN invade we will have a war right here in the USA on our soil!

  7. Well this is probably not going to change dem views of her but I think the majority of people don’t like anything about her and this administration of Biden’s ruling party! New info from whistleblower from the Secret Service as stated, the cocaine found in the White was hers!! Just say no Ktoe!

  8. She is the worst at every thing she has ever been or done! She slept her way to every job she had in California, before stupid incompetent Joe Biden picked her for his running mate. His mental ability shows you how little he knows or remembers. During the Democratic primary’s in 2020, She said Joe Was a very unknowing and unprepared to lead our country. So what does he show for a response, he picked her for his running mate. A Vote for her is a vote for Obama to win a 3rd term as president.

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